Horse Therapy



Help... I need to find out if there is a program to help people get over negative feelings/fear/hatred of horses.

When I was little I saw my mom get kicked by a horse and it scared me half to death. Ever since then, I have to admit I have this hatred for them that I just can't seem to get over. I know they have special dogs for a similar issue... I was hoping you would know if they had like a "therapy" horse??




Nice lady!
Help... I need to find out if there is a program to help people get over negative feelings/fear/hatred of horses.

When I was little I saw my mom get kicked by a horse and it scared me half to death. Ever since then, I have to admit I have this hatred for them that I just can't seem to get over. I know they have special dogs for a similar issue... I was hoping you would know if they had like a "therapy" horse??



:huggy: Honestly, I think if you'd just go kick a few horses yourself you'd feel a lot better. Ask Paso or one of the horsey people if they will let you relieve your feelings with their horses.


:huggy: Honestly, I think if you'd just go kick a few horses yourself you'd feel a lot better. Ask Paso or one of the horsey people if they will let you relieve your feelings with their horses.

I can't even imagine!! I hear that they bite too.


Football addict
Maybe since it's pain from within (emotional) you should battle it from within.

You should try some horse meat. Ingest it and kick its ass that way.:yay:



Maybe since it's pain from within (emotional) you should battle it from within.

You should try some horse meat. Ingest it and kick its ass that way.:yay:



I can see YouTube cideos from work. I will have to look at this one from home in the morning. :lmao:


Has confinement issues..
Help... I need to find out if there is a program to help people get over negative feelings/fear/hatred of horses.

When I was little I saw my mom get kicked by a horse and it scared me half to death. Ever since then, I have to admit I have this hatred for them that I just can't seem to get over. I know they have special dogs for a similar issue... I was hoping you would know if they had like a "therapy" horse??



When I was heavy into coke and partying, I got all jacked up one night and a fight broke out down at my apartment down in Ridge..

My roommate kept a pony in the yard and when everyone was stripping and bashing the neighbors car the horse knocked my drunk arse down. So I clocked him right in snout:boxing:

I don't have any idea at all why my roomate had a pony.. He was like 25 and never rode it:confused:


When I was heavy into coke and partying, I got all jacked up one night and a fight broke out down at my apartment down in Ridge..

My roommate kept a pony in the yard and when everyone was stripping and bashing the neighbors car the horse knocked my drunk arse down. So I clocked him right in snout:boxing:

I don't have any idea at all why my roomate had a pony.. He was like 25 and never rode it:confused:

:twitch: I'm speechless.


Nice lady!
When I was heavy into coke and partying, I got all jacked up one night and a fight broke out down at my apartment down in Ridge..

My roommate kept a pony in the yard and when everyone was stripping and bashing the neighbors car the horse knocked my drunk arse down. So I clocked him right in snout:boxing:

I don't have any idea at all why my roomate had a pony.. He was like 25 and never rode it:confused:

:killingme :roflmao:


New Member
just deal, getting hurt is generally part of the process w/ horses!

I got bit in the boob by a belgian (BIG) mare, from the top of my nipple to my shoulder was solid bruising (thank goodness for a heavy coat)

The underlying hemotoma (sp) has finally dissapated nearly 10 months later.


New Member
The OP doesn't appear to be currently involved w/ horses so 'just dealing' probably won't help. Nothing wrong w/ asking for help in dealing with an inate fear. OP, hope you find an org that can help you out. My grandmother is the same way, her only experience w/ horses was a bad one as a young girl. She's never liked them since.


New Member
Theres a lot of things I fear. ( I am crowd phobic, dont like being someplace alone) I was taught early on, if you fear something -- learn about it and explore it. I force myself into controlled 'crowd' situations to learn to cope with it.

But to try and tell someone that if they are actually fearing and thinking about getting horse therapy will help them may not be a good idea either. Read about horses in books, go to shows and watch from the sidelines. Watch how people and thier horses interact. You dont have to get close, just observe. Dont pay for something you may be able to fix yourself by retraining yourself. And dont rush it, take baby steps, a true phobia is very hard to overcome, but it is possible to learn to deal with it.

Most horses are perfectly fine, they are like dogs, big dogs. They really arent out to hurt you, if you put yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time an accident may happen.

I'm sorry your Mom had one bad incident, its not like that all the time, horses are not predatory. Some just have a bad attitude once in a while.