Horseback Riding.


New Member
For my communications class I have to write a paper to persuade someone to horseback ride. My professor made sure nobody knew a lot about their topics... I decided to research how it can help you physically, psychologically, and socially... but now I just want to talk about how it's fun. Sooooo.. for those who horseback ride, why do you enjoy it so much?


Active Member
I really believe for some, like myself, it's "in the blood" so-to-speak. It certainly is fun (assuming one is not having one of those dangerous, fear -filled moments on horseback). I'm not sure I can adequately describe the fun or feeling in writing. It's definitely one of those things that must be experienced to be appreciated. But...once the thrill of cantering through an open field, going over a jump or through a stream, ridng such movements as passage or piaffe, feeling a soft warm muzzle on your cheek, hearing them nicker to you when you walk in the barn and in general feeling the movement and power of the horse beneath you and becoming one with that animal where you truly are able to speak and understand each other is paramount to anything else I've ever known.


New Member
I agree with the above post. I also would like to add, that for myself, I experience a feeling of calmness and freedom when I am on horseback. Even grooming or giving them their treats is relaxing to me.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
For me it is a relationship that is based on communication and trust. Here we are, roughly 1/10th the size of this animal, and if we communicate clearly and consistantly, this giant animal can perform unimaginable feats. The challenge is to find this balance of communication, and really, once you learn this with horses, it really can help your communication with people as well. Like horses, some people are more stubborn than others, so you want to reach resolution with minimal conflict, same as with working with horses. So it is a rewarding relationship. JMO :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, sappy moment...

I think galloping on a horse is as close to flying as I can get. I'm not brave enough to sky dive yet. :smile: