Horses, Cats, Birds and men of steel...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Denver won by patiently letting the better team beat themselves. Jake is gonna have his hands full with the Steelers. They were simply awesome last night.

Ben Roethlesburger is starting to act and play like a vet. He's no longer in the position of being asked to simpl not do anything stupid, he is maturing into a QB that can make it happen.

Pittsburgh, after getting away with Bettis's last minute barf, also have karma on their side.

Doom on Denver.

All due credit to Grossman and the Bears! They moved the ball and scored in what became an offensive shootout.

Gotta love the Panthers though. They have recent Superbowl experience and are well balanced on both sides of the ball and they have Super man; Steve Smith.

Seattle? I simply give them no chance.

Pittsburgh v. Carolina

Forecast: More steel rain.