Podunk FL
Does anyone know of a holistic dr that is in the southern maryland area? I have some medical issues that I would like to get a 2nd opinion on.
Does anyone know of a holistic dr that is in the southern maryland area? I have some medical issues that I would like to get a 2nd opinion on.
Does anyone know of a holistic dr that is in the southern maryland area? I have some medical issues that I would like to get a 2nd opinion on.
He's in Leonardtown
I don't know the laws/requirements for holistic doctors (if there even are any) but I know he advertises himself as one.
Pathways to Optimal Health
Depending on what the need is; we have a holistic nutritionist in my office too! She's not a doctor tho.
I do see two regular dr's about this issue. I am tired ALL of the time and tired of taking tons of medication and caffiene.
Maybe more of what you are looking for is an osteopath? They are medical doctors with the same training but they are focused on your whole health and you as a whole preson, rather than just your illness..this way you get sound medical care...along with someone that will help you find alternative and newer treatments... Osteopaths have the designation DO ofter their name rather than MD... Dr. Schmidt in L-town is a DO...I have not gone to her enough to really recommend her skills as a DO but she did do some bloodwork and identify some vitamin problems I was having..and give me scripts for that...and it has helped..most doctors would ignore that..or downplay it. good luck..dealing with doctors can be a pain sometimes when you have an issue.
Actually, a lot of physicians are now praticing holistic medicine. This is not quackery or using herbal remedies but a holistic approach to healing which emphasizes the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical elements of the patient, and treat the whole person in this context. I have been to several specialists that all offer regular therapy along with holistic healing. It works.
Some examples of holistic approaches include ayurveda, chiropractic, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, Unani and reflexology. Ancient pratices used in concert with modern medicine (hopefully natural sourced vice synthetic), really does seem to work. and I'm very happy with it.
the problem with holistic and homeopathic "doctors" is that they many times aren't medical doctors. A lot of times the only "degree" they hold is a certification from some other money grubber.
I say as long as the "Dr" is an MD you wont be harmed, but dont fall for some line of crap from a person with a certificate who is only trying to sell you a bunch supplements.
Try Dr. Nasar over in Solomons.
Does Dr Schmidt or any of these holistic doctors take insurance or is it out of pocket?
Is Dr. Schmidt in a practice with someone else, because I couldn't find her in the phone book? Do you have a phone # for her?