hot flash fyi

Iv'e been replacing a meal each day with a soy protein smoothie... and it seems to be easing the severity and number of hot flashes I have each day... not to mention its good for weight control...

you can get the soy protein powder at GNC

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Iv'e been replacing a meal each day with a soy protein smoothie... and it seems to be easing the severity and number of hot flashes I have each day... not to mention its good for weight control...

you can get the soy protein powder at GNC

PM me the recipe. I am having horrible ones at night. I now also have this little battery operated fan at work (thanks to sisturd) that you can put cold water in. I'm getting close to the menopausal thingy.

PS: I hate bananas, so it has to be other fruit.


PM me the recipe. I am having horrible ones at night. I now also have this little battery operated fan at work (thanks to sisturd) that you can put cold water in. I'm getting close to the menopausal thingy.

PS: I hate bananas, so it has to be other fruit.

I'd be interested too! I started menopause right after my son was born and I still have hot flashes and the migranes are killing me.
8 oz any flavor yogurt
1 scoop of soy protein powder
1 cup milk
hand full of ice

any type fruit u like

blend to the consistancy of a pina colada

you can add more ice if its not thick enough...

yeah I am 47 and the flashes started @ 45


loving life
8 oz any flavor yogurt
1 scoop of soy protein powder
1 cup milk
hand full of ice

any type fruit u like

blend to the consistancy of a pina colada

you can add more ice if its not thick enough...

yeah I am 47 and the flashes started @ 45

My night sweats started at 35 and they keep getting worse. Black cohash root and soy have done nothing. I will have to try this.


Iv'e been replacing a meal each day with a soy protein smoothie... and it seems to be easing the severity and number of hot flashes I have each day... not to mention its good for weight control...

you can get the soy protein powder at GNC

:hot:Flax oil and evening primrose oil are even better for your hot flashes, add them to your smoothie!


8 oz any flavor yogurt
1 scoop of soy protein powder
1 cup milk
hand full of ice

any type fruit u like

blend to the consistancy of a pina colada

you can add more ice if its not thick enough...

yeah I am 47 and the flashes started @ 45

Oh YUCK! I would rather keep my hotflashes! :barf:

A friend of mine showed me that putting a little peppermint oil on the back of my neck and on my chest helps with my flashes. Keeps me fairly cool! :yay:


Oh YUCK! I would rather keep my hotflashes! :barf:

A friend of mine showed me that putting a little peppermint oil on the back of my neck and on my chest helps with my flashes. Keeps me fairly cool! :yay:

That is a great idea BUT some people's skin is very snsetive to peppermint oil. I have in the past made a solution of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and water in a spray bottle, it was used as a camping soap, it cleans as well as refreshes, spray on and wipe off with a clean dry towel.

You can do the same with peppermint oil or add a few drops to a damp washcloth, just mind your eyes, wash your hands very carefully and don't get the oil near your eyes. I can deal with peppermint oil so I put it directly on with my hands, it also keeps the mosquitoes away. Peppermint, lavendar and tea tree oils should be a staple in the Rx. cabinet.

where do you find the flax oil?

You can get flax oil @ The Good earth Natural Foods Co. in Leonardtown or any natural foods store. Capsules are available at any pharmacy but I find the oil is better, never heat the oil or cook with it, you can however put it in oatmeal, salad dressing or smoothies. :yay: