Hot Neighbor Paints Her House


Well-Known Member
Old one.....

A young woman with a fit and trim yet well-endowed physique decides to paint her house.

The two teenage boys next door decide to watch her.

The woman begins her task early in the day as the sun comes up.
It starts off cool, so she is wearing "sweats" and tennis shoes.

As 9 a.m. rolls around it gets warmer, so off comes the sweat jacket revealing a T-shirt. Around 11 a.m. it is warmer still; off comes the sweat pants to reveal a pair of shorts.

Around 3 p.m. it's about 90 degrees; so the T-shirt and shorts come off to reveal a string bikini.

The two boys are anxious now. One turns to the other and says, "I can't wait til 5:00."
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