

New Member
Any House fans on here? If so, did you watch the finale last night? And what did you think?

My daughter was a bear to go to sleep last night so I'm glad I tivo'ed it and can watch a few lines I missed again!


New Member
I really really don't like the new cast. At all. Thirteen is hot as hell, but boring as hell too. Kumar (or Harold) whoever isn't convincing at all. The old bald guy is annoying.

Last nites episode was...meh. I won't say much, as I don't want to ruin it. But I wasn't emotionally attached to the ending at all. It was 100% meh.

I want the old cast back in their original roles.


Well-Known Member
I really really don't like the new cast. At all. Thirteen is hot as hell, but boring as hell too. Kumar (or Harold) whoever isn't convincing at all. The old bald guy is annoying.

Last nites episode was...meh. I won't say much, as I don't want to ruin it. But I wasn't emotionally attached to the ending at all. It was 100% meh.

I want the old cast back in their original roles.

Yeah, I didn't get to see the ending. I switched to Lester's no-hitter. But he seemed out of character quite a bit last night. Actually being nice doesn't wash for me.


New Member
I agree - I'm not too fond of the new cast, either. But I love House - so I remain hopelessly addicted! When the final scenes were being aired, I got hopeful when I saw Foreman meet up with Cameron and Chase - thinking that maybe they'd all be back together next season!


New Member
Yeah, I didn't get to see the ending. I switched to Lester's no-hitter. But he seemed out of character quite a bit last night. Actually being nice doesn't wash for me.

None of the characters are seeming themselves recently. Omar Epps (the black guy) is compltely freely speaking his mind...and House can't do anything about there is absolutely no storyline between them anymore, as pretty much their season 1 and 2 storyline was about him being forced into doing things that he didn't want to do.

The Australian isn't around much, but when he is...he doesn't need to suck up to House at all and pretty much acts 100% indifferent to him. Which is fine, as it fits his peronality....but it pretty much makes him a useless addition to the cast and storyline.

And the girl is nonchalant about everything...when she is around. Her and Chase's relationship never went anywhere and neither did it with House.

Not to mention that there really isn't any backstory anymore. As annoying as the two storylines before (The Asinine cop and the sponsorship of the hospital) were, they atleast gave something to base the show around. Now its pretty much just "Ooo look...a person about to die...lets save them!"

And if I wanted that, I'd go watch Power Rangers.