Housework and sex: what's the connection?

Housework and sex: What's the connection? -

"A guy can be completely stressed out and want to have sex to burn it off, but women are not wired like that," says Coleman, who is also a member of the Council on Contemporary Families, a nonprofit research organization. Instead, he says, women need to feel relaxed in order to feel sexy -- and it's hard to unwind when there are chores to be done and a husband who's oblivious to them."


Well-Known Member
"What's interesting to me is that as men's housework goes up, women's marital satisfaction also goes up but men's marital satisfaction goes down," says Whitehead, "Well, nobody loves housework, but it is an important part of shared couplehood."

:lmao: They needed a study to figure that out?


New Member
I always help with the housework. I notice a lack of proper supervision and jump right in to a supervisory role. That way the housework is done correctly, on time, and under budget. The rest of you guys need to step up to the plate!!


Harley Rider
Housework and sex: What's the connection?
"A guy can be completely stressed out and want to have sex to burn it off, but women are not wired like that..."
Instead, he says, women need to feel relaxed in order to feel sexy -- and it's hard to unwind when there are chores to be done and a husband who's oblivious to them."
I've found in the past that a woman's sexual pleasure is more mental than physical. For whatever reason, some of you feel attracted to men who help with the housework and other things. (Of course, some of you like worthless losers also)...

I also read that the "activity" in the part of a womans brain that is responsible for her feelings of anxiety, fear & danger, is reduced during orgasm. (Translation: the more we make her feel safe, protected, comfortable & cared about, the more intense and often her "moment" will be)...The things us guys go through for you gals... :buddies:


I always help with the housework. I notice a lack of proper supervision and jump right in to a supervisory role. That way the housework is done correctly, on time, and under budget. The rest of you guys need to step up to the plate!!



The connection is, if a sorry, lazy a$$ man doesn't help out with housework, he doesn't GET any sex.

I don't know who's dumber... women who think love will change a man into helping her, or a man who thinks his woman wants to spend all day cleaning up after him and still have enough energy for a pickle tickle.


Cleopatra Jones
The connection is, if a sorry, lazy a$$ man doesn't help out with housework, he doesn't GET any sex.

I don't know who's dumber... women who think love will change a man into helping her, or a man who thinks his woman wants to spend all day cleaning up after him and still have enough energy for a pickle tickle.

OMG! :killingme


The connection is, if a sorry, lazy a$$ man doesn't help out with housework, he doesn't GET any sex.

I don't know who's dumber... women who think love will change a man into helping her, or a man who thinks his woman wants to spend all day cleaning up after him and still have enough energy for a pickle tickle.

Hah! Well said. My ex was like that. He'd be home on his day off while I was at work and I'd come home and NOTHING would be done... he didn't even wash the dishes. Thank god he's gone.... Now I have a roommate I can't get to STOP cleaning long enough for me to be home to clean as well, and I end up feeling guilty cause I feel like she's doing all the work. I'm not sure which I'd miss more... the clean house with the guilt, or the messy house with the stress...