Housework could reduce the risk of breast cancer


Lawful neutral
Housework could reduce the risk of breast cancer | Mail Online

It may sound counter intuitive but housework could be good for your health.

Researchers found women who spent six hours a day doing household chores, going for a brisk walk or gardening were 13 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer than their sedentary peers.

Even those who managed just two-and-a-half hours of activity reduced their cancer risk by eight per cent.


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Housework could reduce the risk of breast cancer | Mail Online

It may sound counter intuitive but housework could be good for your health.

Researchers found women who spent six hours a day doing household chores, going for a brisk walk or gardening were 13 per cent less likely to develop breast cancer than their sedentary peers.

Even those who managed just two-and-a-half hours of activity reduced their cancer risk by eight per cent.



Active Member
I imagine if you were up and about doing anything for several hours each day rather than sitting on your couch chomping on Cheetos you'd be healthier. But I'm sure it's the fact that the house is sparkling clean, nothing to do with not being lazy.
And a new study will come out stating that the use of all those cleaning agents used while 'getting healthy' doing housework are far worse for you than sitting on your duff eating potato chips.