How about a weekend Assignment???

Anyone up for a little and quick assignment each weekend. Something like a Weekend In Photos (WIP)

Everyone that want to join in the fun, go out and take a few pictures this weekend. Work on composition, exposure, what ever you want, of just get a nice picture. Then Monday morning I will try to remember to start a thread for everyone to post their best one or two images.

I can try to do something like this each week. Then once in a while give everyone a specific thing for the weekend, like...take a picture of a car, barn, action, macro, or whatever. This way if you don't have time, no big deal catch up next weekend.

Anyone up for it?
Anyone up for a little and quick assignment each weekend. Something like a Weekend In Photos (WIP)

Everyone that want to join in the fun, go out and take a few pictures this weekend. Work on composition, exposure, what ever you want, of just get a nice picture. Then Monday morning I will try to remember to start a thread for everyone to post their best one or two images.

I can try to do something like this each week. Then once in a while give everyone a specific thing for the weekend, like...take a picture of a car, barn, action, macro, or whatever. This way if you don't have time, no big deal catch up next weekend.

Anyone up for it?



You're a LOON :)
I think it's a GREAT idea! It doesn't require alot of time and running around so hopefully more people will participate. I love looking at everyone elses pics!


Well-Known Member
I can't enter I only want to take pictures that are intrusive and in poor taste most of the time.:bigwhoop:


I love the idea and I really like it when you get constructive critique on it. I think others can see things that you don't see in your own photos. Hey Cowgirl, I only have a point and shoot too but I was shown by someone who knows what he is doing that we too can take really good shots if we learn how our camera works and practice with our let's go out and shoot!


New Member
I love snapping pics (as some of you know) but Ive seen what some of you can do and Im WAY outta my league. The equipment alone that some of you have makes me :drool: but Ill at least give it a shot.

Callie girl

New Member
I love snapping pics (as some of you know) but Ive seen what some of you can do and Im WAY outta my league. The equipment alone that some of you have makes me :drool: but Ill at least give it a shot.

That's ok I don't have one of those camera's either. I want Lusbymoms


I will try...I usually shoot on the weekends---in between hauling my elderly mom and laundry and cleaning the house and and and and......
I really wanted to do the hunt but just couldn't :cds:BTW---whoever added these new smilies?----they are just tooooo great!!!!! Cracks me up!!!

OK, everyone read this first, and try some of the suggestions. Your camera might not have all the settings mentioned, but get the owners manual out and read it. Try some different settings. Even some of the point and shoot cameras have a few different settings.

That is a great side project for those who want to. But the Weekend In Pictures (WIP) is going to be just a fun for all, no learning required, and use any camera project. Use it as you may though. If you want to read some stuff during the week and try it out on the weekend, fine. If you want to show off you area, fine. If you just want to take pictures, that is the only requirement!



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Let's roll with it! I'm reading a "Short Courses" book about my S5 that is WAY more informative than the manual, and it explains exposure settings in very easy terms.:yay: I do believe that they have these for most cameras and they also come with a CD-ROM for a little visual reinforcement. Next project is to tackle the eleventy billion page Elements6 for Mac book that I have.

Let's roll with it! I'm reading a "Short Courses" book about my S5 that is WAY more informative than the manual, and it explains exposure settings in very easy terms.:yay: I do believe that they have these for most cameras and they also come with a CD-ROM for a little visual reinforcement. Next project is to tackle the eleventy billion page Elements6 for Mac book that I have.

Kom, I have been doing different thing with photoshop for years. I have had about 5 photoshop books, and never read one of them. Go out and find online tutorials for ELements, I think seeing how they do stuff with screenshots and video really lets you grasp it better. You still have to read, but the visuals help so much in this case.

To all that want to join in the WIP (Weekend In Pictures),

Go out this weekend and shoot a few. On Monday I will post a WIP Thread, and put you best one or two in it. If you want a constructive critique, add that C&C is welcome. For those that are on CWS, the weekend starts tomorrow, so have fun and shoot away.
