First, Frank you're dead on as always.
Second, Smalltown - You are a Liberal. Bill Clinton spent eight years proving the adage "If you can't say somthing nice about someone, you're probably talking about Bill Clinton." Many of his actions were indefensible and plenty of Dems/Libs could find something to complaign about.
The issue with Bush is that Libs/Dems are attacking him for things that they are traditionally for. The Dems/Libs are the ones who rant about the environment, equal rights/affirmative action, religious freedoms, women power, excessive government power, corrupt police, torture, spying, robbing the poor to pay the rich, stealing from the poor, corrupt government officials, and on and on. If there was ever a regime that is 100% against everything the Libs/Dems stands for, from rape to destroying the environment, it was that of Saddam Hussein. Yet here are Libs and Dems coming out by the thousands to keep us from taking the guy down. That clearly shows that the Libs/Dems weren't pro-Hussein or anti-war, they're just Anti-Bush.
I guess the final litmus test would be to ask yourselves what would have happened if Bush had said "I really like Saddam and I'm going to do everything in my power to keep him propped up." Do you suppose the Dems/Libs might be up in arms over that and calling for Bush and Hussein's heads?
Lastly, Cheerios, thanks for sharing with us what is bothering you and now I would like say what bothers me. I'm getting real tired of people who think that being an American is a cafeteria plan. "Ok... I'll take three troops to support, hold the foreign deployment. And a plate of those american flags, but not the ones that make me look like I support George Bush... yeah, those ones on the Left. That's it. And how about a big cup of Letting-Me-Feel-Good-About-How-Well-Our-Military-Is-Doing, but I want the diet version that let's me still oppose war in general. Thanks!"
I don't see how you can really seperate the president, the United States, and the military into seperate camps. The Prez is the leader of the country and is the one setting policy, objectives, and giving the rudder orders to the DoD, State Department, etc. In short, the Prez is the United States and the military while he's in office. So you can't really say that you oppose the policies and objectives of the President, i.e., the United States, yet still support the United States! You can't say "Go Navy" and "No Bush" at the same time, especially if you're against Bush because of Iraq. That's why even Clinton's enemies rallied behind him when the troops were headed off to action because once the troops start moving it's no longer about George Bush or Bill Clinton anymore, it's about the United States.
The United States is not Burger King and special orders do upset us.
You may certainly feel free to object to anything that the President/USA/military are doing, that's your right. But don't try to console yourself for taking that stand by waving the flag for our soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen, which you must admit goes right in the same category as helping kids and stray kittens. You would feel really bad if you didn't and you don't want to hear that you're a bad person.