I believe these "entertainer democrats" even though their ratings are low do impact the voters and party affiliations.
The last 2 elections have been squeakers. Granted W has not put the best foot forward in marketing but compared to Gore and Kerry it should not have even been close. How can this be? How did the republicans take the house and senate and more than half the governorships and yet a presidential election is decided by a few thousand?
I honestly believe that the "entertainer democrats" are causing this. There is a constant drum beat Republicans bad....Republicans bad....Republicans bad....Republicans bad....Republicans evil....Republicans evil....Republicans evil....Republicans hate you....Republicans hate you....Republicans hate you....Republicans are corrupt....Republicans are corrupt....Republicans are corrupt....
It comes everyday in the media. Pick a day and a story on yahoo news, NBC, ABC, CNN and while they slant the story left, the headlines, which many only read, are HUGELY distorted and outright lies. To the news media add; Franken, Maher, The West Wing, Commander-in-Chief, American President, Springsteen, Sarandon, Springer, Moore, Emenem, Puff daddy, and the dozens of others who drone on and on how evil, corrupt, incompetent, stupid, racist, untrustworthy Bush and the Republicans are. Network TV is vilifying then in fiction; Look at Alan Alda's character on The West Wing, it is the same republican portrayal as Donald Sutherland on Commander in Chief, the epitome of evil. Music stars are vilifying them in song, Newspapers are vilifying them in print, news anchors are vilifying them every night with slanted news, movie makers are vilifying them in movies.
Aside from talk radio I can’t say that I know of 1 single solitary outlet where republicans get a fair shake.
Now you have to figure that 2/3 of the country really don’t care, are not affiliated with a party and are single issue or no real issue voters. The remaining 1/3 are partisan or middle of the road moderates. I honestly believe absent media influence and histrionics well over half are more than likely republican or lean republican or identifying themselves as conservatives.
Where do the rest come from to make these races so close? They come from the corps of media influenced zombies who see Wolf Blitzer bagging on republicans every night, then they watch The West Wing and see prominent republican Alan Alda tell a man he will appoint pro-life judges, then 15 minutes later tell his aide “I lied” with a smug evil grin. Martin Sheen the prominent democrat then makes a gutsy honorable decision and shows great class. After that they turn on the radio and hear an anti Bush/Anti-republican song, read a biased story on yahoo news. After work they go to the store to buy a Hallmark card for their nephews birthday and see a funny haha card with Bush’s pic holding up 3 fingers that says “I have 3 words for you” he opens it and it says “thank you” proving Bush is dumber than a box of hammers.
With the constant onslaught against them I am amazed that people have not stormed capital hill with pitchforks and torches.