"Outnumbered" panelists criticized Wisconsin state Sen. LaTonya Johnson for remarks she made during a debate on increased policing as crime spreads from cities to suburbs.
Did nobody run against her? Was she literally the best they could do? What kind of shithole is her district that they elected her? Was she the only one who knew how to read and do cipherin'?
I have questions....
Small district, heavily Democrat which means - win the nomination, win the election. Won in Assembly.
Ran for state Senate. Won nomination, ran in the general UNOPPOSED.
The problem with disctricts SO VERY HEAVILY leaning one party, is not JUST that it ensures one party will keep it -
It encourages the creation and sustaining of a patronage system, where a handful of people groom and create their successors. Recipients of such patronage support both the party and the party's favored candidates.
Obama was such a person - and he got his first NOMINATION by challenging his opponent's legitimacy - that they - every one of them - had sufficient discrepancies in their nominating petition (insufficient signatures - or possibly FAKED signatures). So he sailed into the nomination unopposed. And got re-elected. Twice. The favorite son of a political patron.