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New Member
Mean posts by TallyHoe

I know a lot about our ring leader friend shady. I have a friend that knows her well. She has two children, even though you never see her with them. One has autism. You know they used to believe autism was caused by "refrigerator mothers". Does that fit the bill shady? Where have you been? I thought for sure you would be on here to defend yourself as usual. Shady? Come play with me?


Oh I also heard that shady has been replaced already by someone. Did they not want to keep you until you left? How will you pay the bills alone?


Not to her face. On the other hand how can you trust someone that makes a $4000 profit on a free horse, tells you how great you are and then talks behind your back, lies to you about everything. She is using you as she does so many others. She will pick up and leave without warning just like she has to Sandra, Lynn, Chris, and even her own mother. When it gets to heated she will be the first to leave you high and dry. Ask her past students and friends why they aren't with her anymore.

Shady and WD attack each other personally all the time. JB you are amongst the Winnies. Infact you are there ambition. They want to promote you like a cult. Save yourselves!


Horse Poor
Not all the horsey people are mean..Seems that there is a handfull that want to start crap...then when they get caught it' s Oh I want out the horsey people are mean...Well don't start crap then complain and whine....JMO


New Member

These people are mean on the horse forum. I want out.

How bout don't dish out what you can't take?:killingme

Did you get your feelings hurt?

Its real easy to stay out, just dont click on the horse forums.

come back when you grow out of your jods and into your tall boots and :lmao:breeches!


These people are mean on the horse forum. I want out.

AWWW...are you afraid of getting held accountable for your *actions* and the evil words that you speak?

You can dish it out, but boy guess when it starts coming back you run from it.