How do you e-mail a WMP?


Active Member
I am trying to e-mail a video of my son and every time I try to attach it the page times out. It plays as a WMP but I cannot get it to load. It is only like 30 seconds long. My husband can only view e-mail attachments at work and only videos through WMP.
I have tried both my hotmail account and my verizon account through windows mail and both fail due to timeout.


Active Member
could be that it is to big to be attached, but also your husbands work could be blocking that kind of attachment. there was a worm or virus spreading via wmv files. it would download a codec that wasn't really a codec. your best bet is to host it somewhere and send him the link. example is Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

Probably too big to attach as it was taking forever to attempt to attach then was not working. I have a photobucket acct but he cannot really access the internet at work so that is why I was trying to attach it in an email (he has intranet access).