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Exclusive | Victim’s shattered kin wants Biden to ‘explain to our faces’ stunning death-row Christmas clemency
“He should have gotten that penalty,” said Alex Snell of Jorge Avila-Torrez, who fatally strangled Snell’s 20-year-old sister, sexually assaulted and murdered two little girls and raped a grad stud…
I have no sympathy for a man who sexually assaulted 2 girls and murdered this man's sister. Now for any of the other killers on death row.
IMO they should not have been on death row so they could get their sentence commuted.
They should have already been executed. All 40 of them.
Why let 37 of them off why not all of them. Was the atrocities of the 3 he left off any worse than the atrocities of the 37?
I am not against the authority of a President of sane mind having the ability to pardon or commute sentences, but Joe Biden is not of sane mind.
The real question is : Who the hell is the actual coordinator of this freaking mess we have in the White House.