State lawmakers must lead fight to thwart threat from Communist China
Americans realize that our infrastructure and supply chains are under assault
Every facet of American life is being infected with unprecedented Communist Chinese influence.
Whether it’s America’s farmers, small business owners, students, or Border Patrol agents, Americans face a record number of Chinese nationals illegally coming across the U.S. border. It is clear that the CCP is continuing their strategy to infiltrate American life and culture.
China now owns 349,442 acres of U.S. agricultural land, up 82% from three years prior.
And Communist China is influencing our state capitals, too. In 2017, the California legislature poured cold water on a symbolic resolution criticizing the religious persecution of Falun Gong members after Chinese officials sent a letter saying the resolution could damage China-California relations.
The list of examples is growing every day, and the threat is growing while politicians sit idly by. We can no longer rely on Washington to stop the Communist threat. We need state leaders from across the country to protect Americans from the growing threat of Communist ideas — before it’s too late.
Americans realize that our infrastructure and supply chains are under assault
Every facet of American life is being infected with unprecedented Communist Chinese influence.
Whether it’s America’s farmers, small business owners, students, or Border Patrol agents, Americans face a record number of Chinese nationals illegally coming across the U.S. border. It is clear that the CCP is continuing their strategy to infiltrate American life and culture.
China now owns 349,442 acres of U.S. agricultural land, up 82% from three years prior.
And Communist China is influencing our state capitals, too. In 2017, the California legislature poured cold water on a symbolic resolution criticizing the religious persecution of Falun Gong members after Chinese officials sent a letter saying the resolution could damage China-California relations.
The list of examples is growing every day, and the threat is growing while politicians sit idly by. We can no longer rely on Washington to stop the Communist threat. We need state leaders from across the country to protect Americans from the growing threat of Communist ideas — before it’s too late.
State lawmakers must lead fight to thwart threat from Communist China
We can no longer rely on Washington to stop the threat from China. We need state leaders from across the country to protect Americans from communist ideas and influence.