How Fans Saved Star Wars - Laserdisc Bootlegs (Part I)


PREMO Member

Over the years, the original Star Wars films have been subject to many changes and additions.

According to Lucas, the original cuts have been lost to time.

Well, sorry George. We the fans cannot let that happen.

This is the story of how the fans saved Star Wars.

This is Part I in a new series I'm creating documenting the fan preservation of the Theatrical Cuts of Star Wars. This episode focuses on Laserdisc Bootlegs.


PREMO Member

How Fans Saved Star Wars - The Classic Editions (Part II)​

Despite George Lucas' objections, fans have been obsessively trying to preserve the original cuts of Star Wars that he detests so much.

What began as simple Laserdisc bootlegging soon evolved into something much more.

While fans were scrambling to eek out as much picture quality as they could from Laserdiscs, one man had a vision.

The story of Garrett Gilchrist and the Classic Editions is an oft forgotten, but integral part of the history of Star Wars fan preservation. This is his story.


Well-Known Member
I have the ultimate widescreen edition laserdiscs in an unopened leather set. I bought two, one to watch and one to leave unopened. Unfortunately even though I never watched them much, the opened ones fell victim to bit-rot and deteriorated. I assumed the same probably happened to the sealed set, but I guess it doesn't matter as long as they stay sealed.

This is the set: