How fitting...

Larry Gude

Strung Out this rivalry for us to win on their big night when they celebrate Aikmen, Emmitt and Micheal.

Boy, did we NEED that. Way to hang in there Brunnell and I just wanna enjoy it tonight so...



They call me ... Sarcasmo
"It's the big one, here I come Elizabeth!" *phew* I think I finally got my heartrate back normal now. What a great win, and to think I was about to give up on this game.

2 and 0 baby!!


I think I may have come very close to having an actual heart attack. My heart was racing and I could barely breathe!!!! It took a loooooong time to come down after that.

Guess this settles the QB controversy (for awhile..!).

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Barnacle said:
I think I may have come very close to having an actual heart attack. My heart was racing and I could barely breathe!!!! It took a loooooong time to come down after that.

Guess this settles the QB controversy (for awhile..!).

...there is no QB controversy. Brunnell is Gibbs guy, no matter how he plays. Ramsey is not, no matter how he plays.


For what it's worth there was a tremendous amount of pulling for the 'Skins down here in Jacksonville. I guess there are a ton of folks down here who still consider Brunell to be their boy.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...there is no QB controversy. Brunnell is Gibbs guy, no matter how he plays. Ramsey is not, no matter how he plays.

Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy......

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Lood at me I am happy
Don't worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don't worry, be happy
Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got not girl to make you smile
But don't worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry, be happy (now).....

There is this little song I wrote
I hope you learn it note for note
Like good little children
Don't worry, be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
But when you worry
You make it double
Don't worry, be happy......
Don't worry don't do it, be happy
Put a smile on your face
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don't worry, be happy


New Member
We won and my God does this make me look at Joe Gibbs in a much, much more positive light. Brunell came through big at the end; I wonder if Ramsey could have done the same thing. I will eat some crow for this because I, like Mr. Gude, wanted to see Ramsey back there, but a victory is a victory whoever the quarterback is.

Plus, we beat the damn Cowboys...something that hasn't happened very often in my lifetime, so hell yeah!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

cattitude said:
Could you just enjoy the moment. :bonk:

...the defense played great, really great, for all but one play when Taylor got burned.

Brunnell played poorly, same as last year, for all but 4 plays.

After watching Gibbs on the sideline just spit as Brunnel made poor play after poor play, under throw two deep balls, over throw another one, get sacked out of field goal range, throw an UGLY pick, have two others dropped by Dallas, bounce passes at David Pattens feet three times, all the same stuff he did last year and then, of course, stick with him to the bitter end...that's what Gibbs wants, this is so clearly better than Ramsey, to need two super plays at the end of each game? That's the formula, 54 minutes of poor play and then the heroics?

I smiled, I was happy but not like I should have been.

Football is an emotional investment for me. I'm not a casual fan. All Gibbs had to do was let Ramsey play his way in our out and I, as a fan, am on board no matter what. As it is, Ramsey has played better than Brunnell and won more games. Gibbs sees it otherwise even after naming Pat the starter last winter. I feel cheated to not be able to see the QB job played out on the field where my emotions as a fan lie. By shortchanging Patrick, Gibbs made this an 'either or thing', not an us thing. He denied people pulling for Ramsey as best for the team the chance to be right or wrong so we COULD move on.

Mark played poorly for 55 minutes BUT he played just like he did last year. So, I'm stuck because the guy I think is better for the team doesn't get this kind of support from the coach. Gibbs staying with a guy, adapting as the game goes on, never giving up, that's what you fall in love with. He didn't give that to Ramsey so, all game long, I'm watching Brunnell play, same as last year, poorly, and wondering how Pat would be doing.

Parcells was 77-0 in games he lead by 13 or more in the 4th quarter. Brunnell hung in there, got it done and there we go, 2-0. Maybe this changes everything. Maybe now Brunnell starts playing well all game long and becomes the Brunnell Gibb keeps telling us about.

I truly hope so but, for me, except for basically a miracle, Gibbs is still wrong about Brunnell and Ramsey. This does not and can not make how he handled this right.

I can watch the Ravens and not care who is throwing the ball because I'm not invested, I don't care. I can just enjoy the game.

Call me a Redskins fan; fanatic. I hate that this thing has taken down the passion for me so much but, conversely, it's because I care about how the Redskins go about it, my Redskins, that makes me so crazy about them in the first place.


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...the defense played great, really great, for all but one play when Taylor got burned.

Brunnell played poorly, same as last year, for all but 4 plays.

After watching Gibbs on the sideline just spit as Brunnel made poor play after poor play, under throw two deep balls, over throw another one, get sacked out of field goal range, throw an UGLY pick, have two others dropped by Dallas, bounce passes at David Pattens feet three times, all the same stuff he did last year and then, of course, stick with him to the bitter end...that's what Gibbs wants, this is so clearly better than Ramsey, to need two super plays at the end of each game? That's the formula, 54 minutes of poor play and then the heroics?

I smiled, I was happy but not like I should have been.

Football is an emotional investment for me. I'm not a casual fan. All Gibbs had to do was let Ramsey play his way in our out and I, as a fan, am on board no matter what. As it is, Ramsey has played better than Brunnell and won more games. Gibbs sees it otherwise even after naming Pat the starter last winter. I feel cheated to not be able to see the QB job played out on the field where my emotions as a fan lie. By shortchanging Patrick, Gibbs made this an 'either or thing', not an us thing. He denied people pulling for Ramsey as best for the team the chance to be right or wrong so we COULD move on.

Mark played poorly for 55 minutes BUT he played just like he did last year. So, I'm stuck because the guy I think is better for the team doesn't get this kind of support from the coach. Gibbs staying with a guy, adapting as the game goes on, never giving up, that's what you fall in love with. He didn't give that to Ramsey so, all game long, I'm watching Brunnell play, same as last year, poorly, and wondering how Pat would be doing.

Parcells was 77-0 in games he lead by 13 or more in the 4th quarter. Brunnell hung in there, got it done and there we go, 2-0. Maybe this changes everything. Maybe now Brunnell starts playing well all game long and becomes the Brunnell Gibb keeps telling us about.

I truly hope so but, for me, except for basically a miracle, Gibbs is still wrong about Brunnell and Ramsey. This does not and can not make how he handled this right.

I can watch the Ravens and not care who is throwing the ball because I'm not invested, I don't care. I can just enjoy the game.

Call me a Redskins fan; fanatic. I hate that this thing has taken down the passion for me so much but, conversely, it's because I care about how the Redskins go about it, my Redskins, that makes me so crazy about them in the first place.


I'm not a casual fan either.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not many of us are...

cattitude said:

I'm not a casual fan either.

People who enjoy the game for it's entertainment value and as something to chat about at the water cooler don't spend time posting about it.

They don't lose sleep over it either.