How Happy is Your Thanksgiving?

yakky doodle

New Member
Happy Thanksgiving!


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My Sweetest Boy
Great cartoon. Kinda reminds me of the movie "Home for the Holidays" with Holly Hunter and Robert Downey Jr. I just love it!!

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by Sharon
:lmao: I know some people who could use some Prozac.
:blushing: moi? i'm on zyban to quit smoking, what more do you want? i'm killing two birds here ... quitting smoking and maintaining my sanity by mellowing out :cool: :biggrin:

hmm. now I know how I'll "stuff" my turkey saturday :really: :biggrin:
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New Member
Since we're on the Wellbutrin (Zyban) subject. I'm a little confused. It was meant to be for treating depression. Turns out, it can be used for stopping smoking. So I go out and get me a prescription for this lil miracle drug, and I still wanna smoke and I'm just as depressed as ever :confused:
The only thing it seems to have done is make my heart beat faster and it has made my mouth dryer than a popcorn fart :frown:

On a humorous little side note: I was doing a search on the net for side effects and here is a couple things it said.

1. May cause constipation and diarreah (sp?) (huh? how is that possible?. I'm picturing frozen blocks of "pondwater"that just can't get out) :eek:

2. May cause depression (thought that was what it was supposed to stop) :confused:
