How is Kerry going to do this?


This Space for Rent
Kerry pledged to close the persistent pay gap between men and women

Any better than all the laws that are supposed to have corrected this over the years? Is he going to sit down with each and every employer across America and make sure they are following the rules?

Don't get me wrong. I am all for it. Yet, this is another bad promise.


Loving My Life...
All i hear from him is I have a plan to do this and that. Its just his way to try to get into the White House IMO


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
He has said many things. It is hard to tell what he is really for or against until you look at his voting record. He is a tax and spend, anti-military, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-entitlement Democrat.

[rant]Most of what he says he wants is unconstitutional, but then so are most of all of the feds laws and programs. Geeze I wish I had the resources of Bill Gates. I'd take the government to court over every program that violates the Constitution.[/rant] Resume your normal, over taxed, over regulated life.


Dancing Up A Storm
If you happen to find a news broadcast that isn't slanted to the left, you'll also hear that one or two of the plans that Kerry has to "improve" our nations' ills...............are nothing more than what the current adminstration already has put into effect!

I saw that fact borne out by Brit Hume on Fox last week, and thought to myself, "well isn't that just peachy".

I don't see why GW Bush does not "push" that point home more and more and more.

"The man says he's got a new Plan, but let's look at it and compare it to what we already have in place!"

So much for new plans.
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Super Genius
Wasn't there a recent study on the wage difference and the conclusion was that it was not descrimination, but a lack of agressiveness on the part of most women? I know I saw it on the news. I'll have to try to find it...


Super Genius
Oh yeah, the Independent Women's Forum (IWF) also gave a report card for the candidates on women's issues. They gave Bush a B- and Kerry a D.


I think that one point that is frequently missed is that women only really started populating professional jobs, and other formerly male-dominated jobs, about 20 years ago. It's going to take a while for women to work their way up to where men are in these jobs. You aren't going to pay someone who's been on the job, or experienced, for 10 years the same as you would pay someone who's got 30 or 40 years of experience.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As indicated in the links provided by ylexot there are many of life’s factors that play into what a person earns on the job. Simply averaging out earnings by gender can in no way be indicative of comparative earnings and fairness amongst the sexes.

At times I think experience (AKA putting your time in) is overrated and shouldn’t weigh anywhere near what performance does. As I approach 30 years of Federal service (military and civil service) my observation is that pay comparability has never been an issue solely of gender, it might be different in the private sector but having only spent a few years out there I truly don't have the knowledge to make an informed comment.

I fully believe that those persons with demonstrated ability, desire, and drive advance faster then those that do not display these traits. The people that figure out what it is that they are after and go for it by broadening their horizons are the movers and those unsure of what they want to achieve usually stagnate at some point and advance at a snails pace even if they become experts in their field by accumulating a vast amount of experience.

As to what Kerry will accomplish I think all you have to do is look at what he has done while in the Senate and that should give you an idea of what America will get should he be elected. Having ideas and plans is fine and dandy but being able to bring them to reality is something, based on his record, that he has not yet demonstrated an ability to do.