How Long?


Livin' Large
Here is a good conversation we had at work.

Do you think the United States of America will still be around in a thousand years?


Livin' Large
My thoughts are that the US has come very far in the past 200+ years. I think it is possible that we may implode as the Roman Empire did due to our decaying moral society.


Geez Biscuit! Ya Bible thumping Redneck! Don't ya know anything? In a thousand years the good ol' US of A will own the planet. By then all of the radiation from the nukes we drop will have dissapated and we can easily move into just about any ol' place we feel like!

What a pessimist! :biggrin:


Enjoying life!

Will the U.S. be around in a thousand years?

Highly unlikely. It will become (as you said) like the Roman Empire.

Why? Because we are losing the edge because of the middle.

No one today seems to think of the U.S. as an answer to anything. Instead, they prefer to complain about how bad things are. Patriotism is dead in this country. And like Rome, when you achieve the height of greatness, where do you go? If the people will not carry the center onward, it begins feeding upon itself.

We have the greatest country in the world. But we take it for granted. And so, the center will spin so fast that the edges lose grip. And one thousand years from now, you will see unrecognizable countries occupying this land mass.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by Biscuit
Here is a good conversation we had at work.

Do you think the United States of America will still be around in a thousand years?

A *thousand* years? No. In that long a time, the demographics and such will change so much, I doubt any of the lines on the map will be the same. But I think mankind will still be here.


Livin' Large
So, what would would you invision the worlds political climate like, Nostradaumus predicts a 1000 years of peace shortly after the third world war.


Enjoying life!
Political climate? In 1000 years? Impossible to answer.

In 1003, Europe had to wait another 58 years until King John was 'caught' with the Magna Carta (1061). That guaranteed rights for the vassals. And only in England!

I doubt our country will last another 200 years. As an entity, that is. Look at the last 200, and all the changes. Political homogenies move forward and re-invent themselves. It will happen here too.