How many Mac users?


New Member
Lots of people think that Apple's big mistake was not porting the MacOS to the Intel platform and licensing it as a competitor to Windows. But one of the great things about Macs is that the hardware and software is designed by the same company, so I works together much better. Microsoft has gotten better about this recently, but they still are a long way from true "plug and play".

I have Macs at home on an Airport network, but I'm considering getting a PC because there are so many programs, espcially for kids, that are PC only. I'm especially disappionted that Apple hasn't done a better job convincing DVD makers to include Mac support to their PC-DVD features. Almost none do.

But I'm not going to give up my Mac. It's just so much cooler than any PC.


Dancing Up A Storm
:biggrin: Geez! Not many Mac users out there, or they're too embarrassed to admit it!
I've never used one, so I don't know jack about them.


Mac's are great for high intensity graphic creation. Two of our computers are Mac's at work.

The biggest mistake they made, was their refusal to allow users to view nested tables. :frown:


New Member
If you don't mind me asking, Kain, where do you work that they use Macs?

As for nested tables, I have no problem viewing them on my Mac. From what I've seen, things that don't display properly on a Mac usually have coding errors. I'm a web developer, and I try to test my pages on as many browsers and platforms as possible.


Originally posted by MikeyBash
If you don't mind me asking, Kain, where do you work that they use Macs?

As for nested tables, I have no problem viewing them on my Mac. From what I've seen, things that don't display properly on a Mac usually have coding errors. I'm a web developer, and I try to test my pages on as many browsers and platforms as possible.

That is so ironic Mickey! I work at Chesapeake Web Design.

So... You don't have problems with nested tables on Mac's?

In all honesty, I guess it was 3 years ago that I hit the nested table wall. Haven't used them since, thanks to Ultra Dev.

So where do you work? It's nice to have another developer here. :smile:


New Member
I've been doing web development for a long time. I did the first Pax River Air Expo page back in 1995. If you're interested, there's a copy at

That was done on a Mac, but now I do all my development on a PC. I do Cold Fusion and Javascript development for a Navy Contractor. The last project I worked on was BASICSII, the new base access and badging program that everybody hates.

Nested tables are a big problem for section 508 compliance, which is a big deal now. Blind people can sue you if their screen readers can't handle your web site. Mac users don't have the same protection under the law, so we have to ##### and moan to get our way.

On the upside, Macs get most of the cool new technology before it gets adopted on PCs.


Ugggh! I know all about 508 compliant... "Alt Tag central!" :roflmao:

It kills me how 508 seems to halt design. The Gov. is virtually ignorant. "but what about bandwidth?" OMG Dingo!

Oh Well... what can ya do? I looked at the 95' site - pretty nice. Do you have anything else unclassified that I can view?

I have a .mil and a .navy address so those will work too.

It is so cool, that you are an internet nerd!

I'll PM you the information on Chesapeake so that you can check me out.


New Member
Section 508 reminds me of the law passed a few years ago that required bathrooms to be remodled so that they are "handicapped accessible". For some reason, handicapped accessible toilets are higher off the ground than regular toilets. I have four sons, and when they were little, I had to hold them up so they could pee in those things. So the law that made toilets easier to use for dozens of handicapped people made them harder to use for thousands of small boys.


Oh Yeah! Anything to make it difficult! I'll tell you the truth, the Navy is the worst!

They always seem to be the last to evolve. Hang in there - they'll move forward albeit, slow as heck!
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