How much is alot?


New Member
I can't seem to figure out how to make a poll on here,so here is the question in regular format :

How much is a lot in hourly pay? I had a talk with a friend last night who makes about 45.00 an hour,his wife makes 98.00. They both feel like they have ok to good salaries and that these amounts are pretty standard. My sister is absolutely over the moon that she now makes almost 20.00 an hour. This to her is where a "good job" starts.

I can remember having a job many years ago at 9 something an hour and feeling like THAT was great. So I'm curious,to other people what is considered good pay? And does your idea of "good pay" change if you've had a college education-are your standards higher?

To add one more dimension to this,I have another friend who has his bachelors in social work and despite being at a management level only makes about 14.00 an hour. He often feels like going to college was a waste for him because had he been working and building experience in that time he'd likely be making the same money,minus the student loan debt.


I can't seem to figure out how to make a poll on here,so here is the question in regular format :

How much is a lot in hourly pay? I had a talk with a friend last night who makes about 45.00 an hour,his wife makes 98.00. They both feel like they have ok to good salaries and that these amounts are pretty standard. My sister is absolutely over the moon that she now makes almost 20.00 an hour. This to her is where a "good job" starts.

I can remember having a job many years ago at 9 something an hour and feeling like THAT was great. So I'm curious,to other people what is considered good pay? And does your idea of "good pay" change if you've had a college education-are your standards higher?

To add one more dimension to this,I have another friend who has his bachelors in social work and despite being at a management level only makes about 14.00 an hour. He often feels like going to college was a waste for him because had he been working and building experience in that time he'd likely be making the same money,minus the student loan debt.

I think many of us adjust to our income levels no matter what we make. A Social Workers doesn't make crap... in fact, it makes me rather SICK that people think state workers in Maryland make some huge amount. In fact, the average state worker with a 4 year degree makes $32K-33K per year. Hardly the national average of $44K. Plus you are dealing with the worst population in society.... addicts... and people who live like fricken animals. I'm not saying they are ALL like that but I'd say more than 1/2 are... teachers make more and never have to step one foot in a potentially dangerous environment... say for instance... having to stand by while children are removed from the house... seeing flies following the children out the door like they are Bebe's Kids. College isn't always worth it... we've been brainwashed to think a house means wealth... and a college education gets you some wonderful job... not always is that the case.

I am NOT a Social Worker but I am familiar with all their job entails.


New Member
College isn't always worth it... we've been brainwashed to think a house means wealth... and a college education gets you some wonderful job... not always is that the case.

I'll tell you,I agree wholeheartedly with that. I know people who go to college,graduate with so much debt and no work experience and go nowhere. I know others who went straight out of high school and did a little community college or an apprenticeship and are doing great,plus no debt. The couple I referenced with the 98.00 an hour are basically slaves to their mortgage since they bought a house that is damn near 800K.


I'll tell you,I agree wholeheartedly with that. I know people who go to college,graduate with so much debt and no work experience and go nowhere. I know others who went straight out of high school and did a little community college or an apprenticeship and are doing great,plus no debt. The couple I referenced with the 98.00 an hour are basically slaves to their mortgage since they bought a house that is damn near 800K.

Sounds like you know the same people I do.

I'm happy with what I have. We don't owe credit cards, our mortgage isn't bad at all. At the end of the day, we have extra and can take a trip here and there and be able to put money away. I'm definitely not about status, my house is tiny. It's just nice not to owe everybody and their brother.


I'll tell you,I agree wholeheartedly with that. I know people who go to college,graduate with so much debt and no work experience and go nowhere. I know others who went straight out of high school and did a little community college or an apprenticeship and are doing great,plus no debt. The couple I referenced with the 98.00 an hour are basically slaves to their mortgage since they bought a house that is damn near 800K.

See and I could live in a trailer by the beach... I never expected much in life... I just wanted to be proud of myself in whatever I do and have a clean, nicely kept home preferably not in the ghetto... food on the table... clothes on my back and well-adjusted children. :lol:

To me... debt is SLAVERY. If one income is lost, they are screwed... I've been in debt before... it sucks ass.


Obama destroyed America
I can't seem to figure out how to make a poll on here,so here is the question in regular format :

How much is a lot in hourly pay? I had a talk with a friend last night who makes about 45.00 an hour,his wife makes 98.00. They both feel like they have ok to good salaries and that these amounts are pretty standard. My sister is absolutely over the moon that she now makes almost 20.00 an hour. This to her is where a "good job" starts.

I can remember having a job many years ago at 9 something an hour and feeling like THAT was great. So I'm curious,to other people what is considered good pay? And does your idea of "good pay" change if you've had a college education-are your standards higher?

To add one more dimension to this,I have another friend who has his bachelors in social work and despite being at a management level only makes about 14.00 an hour. He often feels like going to college was a waste for him because had he been working and building experience in that time he'd likely be making the same money,minus the student loan debt.
Your friends are doing very well salary wise. She makes over $200K a year plus his $90K.

They shouldn't be struggling with a $4,900.0/month mortgage pmt. (figured $850K, 30 yrs @ 4%)

The social worker has a degree in "Would you like fries with that?" Don't mean to be disrespectful but it is what it is.


See and I could live in a trailer by the beach... I never expected much in life... I just wanted to be proud of myself in whatever I do and have a clean, nicely kept home preferably not in the ghetto... food on the table... clothes on my back and well-adjusted children. :lol:

To me... debt is SLAVERY. If one income is lost, they are screwed... I've been in debt before... it sucks ass.

My husband and I have rented some pitiful houses in the past because it was what we could afford, but we always made the best of it and the best part was we were happy. Now we can afford better stuff, and I'll get things I've wanted, but never go above what we can comfortably afford.


Mostly settled in...
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Alot is much more than I currently make, but between my wife and we've been able to live comfortably. Maybe a little better cushion for the future now that she's working again.

We've tried very hard not to live beyond our means and were able to keep our house when she was laid off in 1997...had late payments, but never fully missed a payment. I've worked retail (still do) and she has a small service related stipend each month.

I find the idea crazy that a plot of dirt with some concrete, wood and asphalt slapped on it in the shape of a house costs 2 1/2 times as much for the same basic ranch house there in SoMD as it does here in NoIL...


Well-Known Member
I can't seem to figure out how to make a poll on here,so here is the question in regular format :

How much is a lot in hourly pay? I had a talk with a friend last night who makes about 45.00 an hour,his wife makes 98.00. They both feel like they have ok to good salaries and that these amounts are pretty standard. My sister is absolutely over the moon that she now makes almost 20.00 an hour. This to her is where a "good job" starts.

I can remember having a job many years ago at 9 something an hour and feeling like THAT was great. So I'm curious,to other people what is considered good pay? And does your idea of "good pay" change if you've had a college education-are your standards higher?

To add one more dimension to this,I have another friend who has his bachelors in social work and despite being at a management level only makes about 14.00 an hour. He often feels like going to college was a waste for him because had he been working and building experience in that time he'd likely be making the same money,minus the student loan debt.

Prostitution is paying well these days I take it :killingme Seriously, the simple answer is there is never enough money and another thing is you can only live as comfortable as your pay check will allow you. If you don't like your check make a change, and that could be challenging.