How Palin shakes up the presidential race


No Use for Donk Twits
1. Steps on the story of Obama's speech (and convention), and possibly the bounce coming from them, and wipes them off the news cycle. The Sunday news shows will be all-Palin, all of the time.

2. Sends Republicans into their convention on a huge head of steam.

3. Wipes out the image of McCain as the crotchety elder and brings back that of the fly-boy and gambler, which is much more appealing, and the genuine person.

4. Revs up the base AND excites independents, which no one else in the party, or perhaps in the world, could have accomplished.

5. Puts youth, change, and history on both of the tickets.

6. May detach some young people, especially women.

7. May attach some women pissed off about Hillary.

8. As a pro-life super-achiever, puts feminists in a tizzy.

9. Revives some of the double-edged nature of the Democratic primary, which featured a black vs. a female trail-blazer, and put both sides on notice on sensitivity issues. Democrats used to raising charges of racism against Obama's critics may face charges of sexism and/or condescension if they try to diss her.

10. Steps on Obama's claims to have been a reformer, as he reformed nothing (much less the corrupt mare's nest of Chicago arrangements), while she was a dragon-slayer up in Alaska.

And the list goes on. Interesting take on Palin's selection.

What Palin Does


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Joe Biden is going to have to take care when he debates her to not come across as bullying. Not that Gov. Palin can't handle herself, but Biden tends to be a bit of a pitbull, and if he verbally attacks her he's going to look like a real jerk, and that will cost Obama.

Some lefty Fox commentator was just talking about Biden going after her foreign policy experience, and said it will be amusing to watch her struggling with all these foreign names. They're going to have to watch stuff like that because I highly doubt the majority of Americans give a crap whether or not some wonk can pronounce these indecipherable names. What they *do* care about is honesty and having someone who represents them and looks out for the best interests of America.

THAT is Sarah Palin, and she's proven it time and time again.

If she's smart, which she is, she'll hit him with all the special interest money Biden has taken, and she'll mention that most Presidents come from being either Governor, or VP, NOT the Senate because Senators have no executive experience, nor do they have any real leadership ability.