And it's not just the lying cheating POS Democrats:
At some point we have to ask why the Republicans are deep in cheating the candidates of their own party.
Election Fraud 2.0! O.K., So What Are You Gonna Do About It? | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
Election Fraud 2.0!
Voters registered in prison. People voting from homeless shelters – for 20 years. (Homeless shelters do not have 20-year residents, don’t email me about this). Active voters in a frat house who were 106 years old, and a voter who was 1,900 years old who registered to vote, just before the 2020 election.
The response from this Republican secretary of state was complete denial. No matter how crazy the phantom’s address was – like a jail – he refused to concede there was any phantom inhabitation of his state’s voter rolls.
At some point we have to ask why the Republicans are deep in cheating the candidates of their own party.