How to create a virus panic for fun and profit


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Reporter Nate Rau asks, “The figure you gave of 'more than 80' does lead to a natural question: If there have been over 20,000 positive cases of COVID-19 in Davidson and only 80 or so are traced to restaurants and bars, doesn’t that mean restaurants and bars aren’t a very big problem?"

From the email on how to spin it:

“My two cents. We have certainly refused to give counts per bar because those numbers are low per site.
We could still release the total though, and then a response to the over 80 could be because that number is increasing all the time and we don’t want to say a specific number."

Everybody with working brain cells knows by now that they're juking the stats, right?

So then we have to ask why they would do such a thing.

PS, while Tennessee is a red state, the Mayor of Nashville is a Democrat.


the poor dad
OMG I was just reading about this on FreeRepublic. These bureaucrats are insane! We need to stand up to this tyranny, but no, we continue to bow to it.


OMG I was just reading about this on FreeRepublic. These bureaucrats are insane! We need to stand up to this tyranny, but no, we continue to bow to it.

I open to suggestions - I mean outside of voting.


PREMO Member
According to emails obtained by the local news station, the mayor’s senior advisor and a health department employee, however, decided not to release the information.

“This isn’t going to be publicly released, right? Just info for Mayor’s Office?” health department employee Leslie Waller asked.

“Correct, not for public consumption,” senior advisor Benjamin Eagles replied.

When asked about the low numbers produced from supposed transmission in bars and restaurants by a reporter, health department official Brian Todd didn’t know how to respond and asked other officials for assistance.

“Please advise how you recommend I respond,” he wrote.

A reply from an unidentified source on the email chain clearly stated that the department did not “want to say a specific number” because the numbers were “low.”

the mayor and the head of the health dept should put up against a wall and shot


the poor dad
I open to suggestions - I mean outside of voting.

We need to stand up to any business owner who is requiring a mask and present them with facts. Opposite of a boycott - get many people to storm the business at one time without a mask - a form of protest. If you are a business owner like myself, and you are visited by the authorities, then you need to stand up to them and present them with facts and point out their hypocrisies and refuse their demands if they are not reasonable. Call your elected representatives and let them know your stance. Inundate the health department with stupid complaints so they don't know where to turn first. Call the sheriff and let him know you don't agree with him putting his resources behind the enforcement of this BS.

There is some of the stuff we can all do but this takes many people at the same time with the same goal to be heard!


PREMO Member