How to find new clients?


New Member
Without actually discussing the business (don't want to be accussed of advertising), I have an in-home business but need to figure out how to break out of my church and neighborhood groups.

For those who have done in-home businesses, what have you done or tried to get into the community for a broader client base?

This is a consumable product (not literally as in food, but one that is used up and will need replacement) so once a client is established, they remain a client. But how do I get out there to share the information and expand?

I'm not looking for recruits, that's not my thing. But I would like more clients.

Tough to do this without discussing details, so hopefully there is enough information to solicate helpful responses.

Thanks in advance,


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If its a party type of thing, typically someone would host a party for you, then you get bookings off of that party, then bookings off of those parties, etc.

If it's Avon or something like that, you go door to door and meet people, give them a book and a sample, take their order, voila!

At least that's how it worked when I did it.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
If its a party type of thing, typically someone would host a party for you, then you get bookings off of that party, then bookings off of those parties, etc.

If it's Avon or something like that, you go door to door and meet people, give them a book and a sample, take their order, voila!

At least that's how it worked when I did it.

You're supposed to sell them advertising. :rolleyes:


New Member
Post business cards on local bulliten boards. Be friendly and try to sell your product in public if its food try a grocery store if its makeup try meeting women at a gym, clothing store etc. and hand out business cards I think that is one of the biggest things.


Salt Life
In a baggie, combine your business card, a brief flyer or blurb about you/your business, plus a little treat (mint, tootsie roll, etc.). Hand them out in parking lots, malls, grocery stores, etc. You could also drive around neighborhoods leaving the baggies on driveways or on doors.
In a baggie, combine your business card, a brief flyer or blurb about you/your business, plus a little treat (mint, tootsie roll, etc.). Hand them out in parking lots, malls, grocery stores, etc. You could also drive around neighborhoods leaving the baggies on driveways or on doors.

Careful to leave it on the outside of the door though, people can get really nasty. Also, if you leave the information at the mailbox you're not supposed to put it "in" the mailbox, must be hung on the outside.

I worked for a company that did this and they got in trouble for leaving info on door knobs and in mailboxes.


New Member
Yes, I knew it's a Federal offense to put things in a mailbox without paying proper postage.

Thank you for all the ideas so far. Any more, please keep posting.
