How to keep strangers from sitting next to you


Lawful neutral
How to keep strangers from sitting next to you: a study | The Sideshow - Yahoo! News

Sometimes we even don a 'don't bother me face' or what's known as the 'hate stare'."

Others are more overtly antisocial, like placing your bag on the empty seat next to you, listening to your iPod, or even lying and saying the seat next to has already been taken.

"One rider told me the objective is just 'getting through the ride', and that I should avoid fat people who may sweat more and so may be more likely to smell," Kim said.


In My Opinion
I just carry on a conversation with the empty seat.
Most people will avoid this at all cost.


Well-Known Member
Any tips for how to get women to sit on me instead of next to me?

You and four others in a four-passenger car; one of the other three being a woman, of course; and hope that she is the last one to get in the car.
You can, ' can sit on my lap until we get to.....'
See? Always thinkin'.....
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Well-Known Member
You and four others in a four-passenger car; one of the other three being a woman, of course; and hope that she is the last one to get in the car.
You can, ' can sit on my lap until we get to.....'
See? Always thinkin'.....

The irony in this is... ironic.