How Tyranny Came to America


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
A bit long to read, but well done.
One of the great goals of education is to initiate the young into the conversation of their ancestors; to enable them to understand the language of that conversation, in all its subtlety, and maybe even, in their maturity, to add to it some wisdom of their own.

<spacer size="20" type="horizontal">The modern American educational system no longer teaches us the political language of our ancestors. In fact our schooling helps widen the gulf of time between our ancestors and ourselves, because much of what we are taught in the name of civics, political science, or American history is really modern liberal propaganda. Sometimes this is deliberate. Worse yet, sometimes it isn’t. Our ancestral voices have come to sound alien to us, and therefore our own moral and political language is impoverished. It’s as if the people of England could no longer understand Shakespeare, or Germans couldn’t comprehend Mozart and Beethoven.

I realy like this part.
Can we restore the Constitution and recover our freedom? I have no doubt that we can. Like all great reforms, it will take an intelligent, determined effort by many people. I don’t want to sow false optimism.

<spacer size="20" type="horizontal">But the time is ripe for a constitutional counterrevolution. Discontent with the ruling system, as the 1992 Perot vote showed, is deep and widespread among several classes of people: Christians, conservatives, gun owners, taxpayers, and simple believers in honest government all have their reasons. The rulers lack legitimacy and don’t believe in their own power strongly enough to defend it.

<spacer size="20" type="horizontal">The beauty of it is that the people don’t have to invent a new system of government in order to get rid of this one. They only have to restore the one described in the Constitution — the system our government already professes to be upholding. Taken seriously, the Constitution would pose a serious threat to our form of government.

<spacer size="20" type="horizontal"> And for just that reason, the ruling parties will be finished as soon as the American people rediscover and awaken their dormant Constitution.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And for just that reason, the ruling parties will be finished as soon as the American people rediscover and awaken their dormant Constitution.
Aye - there's the rub. We have no common standards anymore and we never will again, unless the Leftists get their way and we all succomb to PC retardation, Socialism and revisionist history. The little Orwellian darlings.

As long as the social engineers are in charge of the media, which influences public opinion, it will never happen. Our next war, frankly, should be the culture war because the Left has done more to harm our country and destroy our way of life than Al Qaeda ever dreamed possible.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is critical...

One of the great goals of education is to initiate the young into the conversation of their ancestors; to enable them to understand the language of that conversation, in all its subtlety, and maybe even, in their maturity, to add to it some wisdom of their own.

Tonight on PBS, they had Frank Gaffney and a lady I don't know from Salon.
Gaffney wrote a piece today...

...saying that the famous Mrs. Sheehan has become the poster board image for US surrender around the globe. This woman even wants us out of Afghanistan, the one place even Democrats agree we might have some business being in.

Now, Mrs. Sheehan has said, flat out, that we should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan and that our President, our leader is a liar and should be impeached and so on and so forth.

Gaffney and many others rationaly and correctly make the point that this type of 'free speech' is clearly of aid to our enemies; it just is. It's no secret nor anything new in the annals of war. It's what they're playing for; war fatigue.

The thing that caught my attention is that the lady from Salon retorted that by Gaffney saying that Sheehan is helping our enemies that HE, Gaffney, is helping our enemies.

By pointing out that one of us is wrongly helping them, THAT is helping them.

So, we've entered into a twilight zone of speech that our ancestors, I'm pretty sure, would find, frankly, insane.


vraiblonde said:
Aye - there's the rub. We have no common standards anymore and we never will again, unless the Leftists get their way and we all succomb to PC retardation, Socialism and revisionist history. The little Orwellian darlings.

As long as the social engineers are in charge of the media, which influences public opinion, it will never happen. Our next war, frankly, should be the culture war because the Left has done more to harm our country and destroy our way of life than Al Qaeda ever dreamed possible.

Wow Vraiblone, that was stated perfectly! Thank you.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Aye - there's the rub. We have no common standards anymore and we never will again, unless the Leftists get their way and we all succomb to PC retardation, Socialism and revisionist history. The little Orwellian darlings.

As long as the social engineers are in charge of the media, which influences public opinion, it will never happen. Our next war, frankly, should be the culture war because the Left has done more to harm our country and destroy our way of life than Al Qaeda ever dreamed possible.
True. As we continue to allow aliens, legal or illegal, drive our language from English to Spanish, suppress our Judeo-Christian history, and shove the majority aside to make way for minorities, the foundation of the United States is trashed. Is it not time to start saying, "NO!" very loudly?


Well-Known Member
If we set aside all the conspiracy odd-ball theories...can one honestly look at our history as being a string of random movements and responses that concluded with us being in our current condition?

Is there no sense of God guiding us through terrible perils, wars, catastrophies, and upheaval? Look at Lincoln's writings...John Adams. Even Diestic Jefferson was awed by the "hand of providence"--

So what do we see if we look back over the past 40 years? Although we have crowning technology breakthroughs,..our values have been replaced by excess, our debt has soared, our foreign obligations have hurt us, our borders are overrun, our schools have fled from morality and true scholarship, our politicians seem unable to pass simple legislation or approve judges.

This is the cost ...of moving away from our Godly roots. Once we slide away from our Judeo-Christian principles--we end up disorganized, demoralized, greedy, and deluded.

Yet only a minority recognize this...will more realize this if they are awakened to the signs of decay all around us? Perhaps: will it be in time to reverse the course we are on? Unknown.

The protecting & guiding Providential Hand of God has directed us in the past, will we order our lives in such a way that it will continue to be "our strength and our guide?"