How would you like to find these in your yard?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Giant beetles seized at Pennsylvania post office

"The specimens were some of the largest of their kind, and some of the largest I've ever seen, averaging five to six inches in diameter," John Plummer, an agency agriculture specialist, said in a statement Wednesday. "They are highly destructive insect pests that can cause extensive damage to fruit and vegetable crops, trees, shrubs and turf grasses."................

Seven of the beetles were in containers labeled by gender, which means they could have been intended for breeding
New terrorist tactic? :shrug:


Stag beetles are native to most of the US and they eat rotting vegetation. They also don't get to be 6 inches long.

Sorry, there are huge stag beetles that size here too, these are Rhinoceros beetles.:yay: They're still cool. I saved a carcass of one until it started stinking.