Howard the Duck Defense


Princess of Mean
The story, minus the good part

The news reported last night that she'd been haunted by the movie Howard the Duck ever since she'd seen it as a child, and even went as far to show clips from it, in case we'd forgotten it. The defense team is trying to use it to prove she's mentally unsound.
Did they get that idea from South Park's Chewbacca Defense storyline?

They never did draw a direct line between leaving her son to die in the car and Howard the Duck.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You know, I felt the same way about "Angela's Ashes". So if I ever go nutzoid and whack my kids it was that movie's fault.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You know, I felt the same way about "Angela's Ashes". So if I ever go nutzoid and whack my kids it was that movie's fault.
For me I plan on using the Zuchick defense if ever in such a situation. "I'm sorry your honor, but all I could think of was this pompous @ss from North Carolina and I lost it." :killingme