Howdy Partners how're you I am great and new here!


New Member
I do love to play
Nintendo Entertainment System and
Super NES Action/Adventure/Role Playing Games,
Adventure/Action/RPGs, Adventure/RPGs & Action/RPGs!

I love Diet Soda!

I do enjoy to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, Rush The Music Group, Three Dog Night and are links allowed in Signatures?


pretty black roses
MegaManFan said:
I do love to play
Nintendo Entertainment System and
Super NES Action/Adventure/Role Playing Games,
Adventure/Action/RPGs, Adventure/RPGs & Action/RPGs!

I love Diet Soda!

I do enjoy to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, Rush The Music Group, Three Dog Night and are links allowed in Signatures?

The words in bold should be A7X.

Did ya go to the show up in DC?


MegaManFan said:
I do love to play
Nintendo Entertainment System and
Super NES Action/Adventure/Role Playing Games,
Adventure/Action/RPGs, Adventure/RPGs & Action/RPGs!

I love Diet Soda!

I do enjoy to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, Rush The Music Group, Three Dog Night and are links allowed in Signatures?


New Member
MegaManFan said:
I do love to play
Nintendo Entertainment System and
Super NES Action/Adventure/Role Playing Games,
Adventure/Action/RPGs, Adventure/RPGs & Action/RPGs!

I love Diet Soda!

I do enjoy to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, Rush The Music Group, Three Dog Night and are links allowed in Signatures?
You were here some months ago right? hmmm trying to remember your name.
You were making up different super hero scenarios for your game.


Nice lady!
PrepH4U said:
You were here some months ago right? hmmm trying to remember your name.
You were making up different super hero scenarios for your game.
:yeahthat: Were you PunkonJunk or something like that?


New Member
meangirl said:
:yeahthat: Were you PunkonJunk or something like that?

I believe so! :lol:

punkonjunk1024 said:
This "made up only game" is called Thomas's Journey 2 and I want opinions on what boss you like the best all the way to the boss you like least please, thank you!

Here is a description of the Megaman and Megaman X like bosses I made up:

Dungeon Dauschaun (Pernounced Doxin): He is a robot boss who can make clones of himself and make mazes and you have to follow the right path to get to him!

Chomppin' Tomato: He is an evil Tomato. Now you are wondering how hard can a Tomato like boss be really? :confused:
But, this one can turn invisible and if he swallows up Thomas, heh, heh, heh he is destroyed and he must start the level all over again or choose another stage!

And he can do damage under his invisiblity and you have to be lucky enough to hit his top left leaf to do any damage or else it heals him completely but while not invisible he can be hurt anywhere!

Saw Starfish: A boss who can also turn invisible and do damage! But only invisible is he hurtable unless you hit his one weak spot or you have his weakness.

Well, these three bosses will do for now but I'll add on the other five later and
as always God Bless you all and have a wonderful day!


New Member
I am punkonjunk1024 it is just that I have been gone so long that I thought my account might of been deleted but after all it is not.

Well I still enjoy it here!

I read The Bible.

I LOOOOVVVVVEEEEE to read The Bible!!!