Howie and Hill???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
(pillfered from Washtimes)

Howard Dean may turn to Hillary Rodham Clinton as his vice presidential candidate, and "Hillary might just accept," Dick Morris writes in the New York Post.

Mr. Dean would benefit from having a woman on the ticket, and it would guarantee the support of Bill Clinton and his backers, Mr. Morris said.

"Why might Hillary accept? She suddenly has a new potential rival for the 2008 nomination — Al Gore.

"The former vice president's un-retirement, signaled by his endorsement of Howard Dean, makes him a potent possible rival for Hillary. With his bold support of the peace movement's darling, Dean, Gore may get an edge among the party's new masters — its left wing.

"Hillary may also worry that Dean might choose someone like Gen. [Wesley] Clark VP. Such a choice would immediately lift Clark into contention for the 2008 nomination, making it a tough three-way race where it had once appeared a cakewalk for the former first lady




I too hope Hillary jumps on the ticket instead of Dean. She does realize that generally the incumbent is the one that gets the votes so maybe this will force her to show us a card or two.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No way. Dean isn't going to want to be upstaged by Shrillary and it would kill any chance he has with moderates.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...perhaps you missed this but the speculation is HER as HIS Veep.

Point being Gore is now (somehow) viable for '08 and she wants to cut him off before it's to late.


Yes, I was speculating that Dean and Hillary would win -- Hillary then in 2008 would be president hopefully. Yes, republicans... go ahead -- take personal shots at me again about being naive, bs in english compisition,etc... But, I tend to be very optimistic or in denial that I have suffer with Bush for another 4 years. At least I'm doing something and getting active about my beliefs.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by dems4me
But, I tend to be very optimistic or in denial that I have suffer with Bush for another 4 years.

Please enlighten me as to how you have suffered??


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Yes, I was speculating that Dean and Hillary would win -- Hillary then in 2008 would be president hopefully.
Actually, if Dean tapped Hillary for VP and he won in 2004, he'd probably also run in 2008 for a second term. Hil would have to wait until 2012.

Dems, I'm not trying to be mean to you and I think it's wonderful that you're getting involved. It just makes me go :twitch: when you don't seem to know a lot about politics, yet you are the chair for Dean in Charles County.

And I, too, would like to know how you've suffered under Bush.


I have an abundance of knowledge and experience in politics. I don’t feel the need to use a forum to prove this to anyone, I was only testing the market for Dean in Charles county. If you are truly interested send me an email and I will list the reasons why I’m not a fan of Bush. Yes people have suffered under Bush even if its mental anguish. Research his failed economic policies, lack of foreign diplomacy, inexperienced appointees to various high ranking positions, to name a few and our President nothing but a Cheney puppet. Have we forgotten that Rumsfeld gave Saddam chemical weapons in 1983?


Moreover, why has Cheney refused to release the papers and notes to the GAO regarding his secret energy meeting that he had with Ken Lay right before the Enron collapse? I don’t have the time to keep fighting with the word limits on this forum to list all the reasons I am antibush. The entire California energy crisis was market manipulation – not lack of electricity. Just look it up at FERC. Republicans = corporate scandal, war and recession.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by dems4me
Have we forgotten that Rumsfeld gave Saddam chemical weapons in 1983?

Have we forgotten that in 1983 Iraq was considered an ally?

Funny, word limits don't seem to limit Archi, I have seen VOLUMES of stuff you can barely wade through here. If you feel you need to make large postings, do so. If you're afraid we'll be unconvinced by your position and documentation that's the chance you take by speaking up. Nevertheless, take your stand and say your piece, maybe you'll convince somebody to take your position. (Just be ready to defend yourself, and don't take disagreement too personally).



Nothing to see here
Originally posted by dems4me
I don’t feel the need to use a forum to prove this to anyone, I was only testing the market for Dean in Charles county.

Then why was W brought up??

Yes people have suffered under Bush even if its mental anguish.

Sore loser syndrome?? Really, mental anguish is a copout

Research his failed economic policies, lack of foreign diplomacy, inexperienced appointees to various high ranking positions, to name a few and our President nothing but a Cheney puppet.

Linkage to your research??


I Need a Beer
Bush should dump Dick Cheney, he can make him Attorney General and use John Ashcroft as his “scape-goat,” and tap Condoleeza Rice as his new VP running mate, thereby setting Condoleeza Rice up to run against Hillary for President in 2008.