Is it possible he (Dean) does not get this? is impossible. It is the basis of his campaign, attracting the people who were dissapointed in Clinton for being nowhere near liberal enough.
Could all this seemingly ignorant Democratic raving be a smokescreen for Hillary to yet have an excuse to toss her hat in the ring for the nomination?
Nope. The economy is growing, Iraq is getting slowly better and W is engaged on domestic issues like Medicaire. There is nothing for Sen. Clinton to gain by being trounced by W.
There is, however, much to be gained from Dean being trounced; it leaves leadership of the party for her to pick up from the disaster he is leading and, along with real experience in the Senate, a viable campaign for her to run against X after W's second term.
If the Democrats wake up in time to the suicide of Dean being the nominee along with all the Senate and House seats they will lose as people who are forced to back him lose their re-election campaigns, then Clark will run out and be trounced.
Nobody seems to care about explaining the fact that Clark was a Republican three months ago. It's not possible that this WON'T come up. Look at what's his face who turned coat in the Senate after W won in 2000. Never heard from again.
Like Benedict Arnold, Americans don't care what good you did before (Arnold was an early hero of our Revolution); we don't like traitors.
Clarks job is to make sure Dean, if he does get the nomination, is so exposed he can't win. That's already happened. In fact, I can't see Dean getting the nod anymore. Pity.
Clarks second job is to, if he gets the nod, lose, clearing the way for Hillary.
Further evidence of Clark being un-fit or un-acceptable is he is starting to act like he doesn't understand the errand he has been sent on.
We don't like dupes for boss either.
There will soon be credible, acceptable evidence of what happened to Saddams WMD's. Either it wasn't as bad as we thought and he is a total moron for not complying (good thing he's gone!) or his cleverness will be once again revealed (good thing he's gone!). Either way, it's curtains for everybody but Lieberman.
Further, Osama turns up dead or captured. Who's gonna care what any of the Nimble Nine has to say? One less leg to their platforms.
Finally, we don't get hit by a terror strike at home before the election: Thank God W is the boss! He's known what to do!
We do get hit: Thank God W is the boss! He'll still know what to do.
The thing I find frightening for the health of our political life is that people who claim to want to lead this nation have all taken absolutely indefensible positions on terror by stating through attacks on John Ashcroft and the Patriot Act that we do not need more information to protect ouselves and at the same time deriding at any opportunity that very lack of information.
And they've done the same with Iraq; They're on the side of Saddam Hussein.
The only one who isn't playing to these ideas is Leiberman and they hate him almost as much as they hate W.
I guess Edwards could leap to the fore somehow or they could always wheel Ross out again.