Howie Is Trying To Appeal To Our Canadian Friends


Dancing Up A Storm

culture of corruption

Howard Dean, M.D.:
The WMD for Fools?

by J.B. Williams
Saturday, January 21, 2006

In yet another heartfelt plea for our hard-earned money, Democratic Party Chairman Dean once again makes his "culture of corruption" case in a fund-raising letter dated January 18, 2006.

Aside from growing weary of the obscene demand for ever increasing campaign sums, DNC fund-raising tactics are becoming as laughable as Osama Bin Laden’s recent channeling of the DNC campaign talking points… Howard and Bin Laden are reading from the same script these days, with the same goal I’m afraid, the defeat of George W. Bush…and his war against international terrorism. Apparently, neither realizes that Bush can’t run for office again in 2008. (more)


That's a great piece! He could be the Canadian Ann Coulter.