Hoyer has constantly failed to represent Seniors


New Member
Over the years, Hoyer has continously disregarded the needs of the Seniors in Maryland's 5th district. It's about time we get this man out of office and Brad Jewitt into to office. The following may also be found on the Jewitt for Congress website: http://jewitt2004.com/lat_news.asp?id=205

An Ounce of Prevention on Election Day
by Bradd Jewitt

The old saying goes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This idea, that it’s far better to nip a problem in the bud than trying to deal with a developed problem, has more to do with voters in Maryland’s Fifth District than one might think. In fact, Election Day, November 2nd, 2004, might just be a kind of preventative medicine for Maryland’s senior citizens.

Unfortunately, Maryland has a developed problem: Steny Hoyer’s representation of senior citizens. Nipping the problem in the bud might have been done a long time ago, when Hoyer first ran for Congress or in subsequent campaigns. The problem is, Hoyer has always claimed that he represents Fifth District seniors – that our mothers, fathers, and grandparents are a priority for him. Sadly, the facts tell a different story. We obviously cannot change the past. What we can do is prevent Hoyer from putting seniors on the back burner for another term. What we can prevent is two more years of our representative voting against senior citizens.

Let me share a few examples of instances when Steny Hoyer could have stood up for senior citizens and didn’t. Last year, the President and Congress voted to extend relief to seniors struggling to pay for health care by providing a prescription drug benefit. AARP and many other senior citizens groups supported the plan. Hoyer, however, thought he knew better and voted against the plan. Instead of voting for a sensible prescription drug plan, he advocated an unrealistic, budget-busting substitute version that would have cost American taxpayers over $1 trillion! The drug plan Congress passed was not perfect, but it was a step in the right direction. Though recent radio ads may claim otherwise, Hoyer has not advocated for the health of seniors, but rather for impracticality and mounting deficits.

Unfortunately, fiscal responsibility has not been one of his strong suits. During his time in Congress, Hoyer has voted to raid the Social Security surplus 27 times and has failed to protect the Social Security surplus 11 times. Social Security, one of our nation’s most important safety nets for seniors, has fallen victim to our representative’s penchant for spending. It is interesting to note that Hoyer has also consistently supported tax hikes on Social Security benefits.

I wouldn’t go on at such length on this subject if the facts weren’t so startling. I wouldn’t continue for so long if I didn’t think that Maryland’s senior citizens needed a positive change. I will be that change.

A vote for Brad Jewitt on November 2nd is the ounce of prevention that will prevent pounds and pounds of Hoyer misdeeds in the years to come. I have a message for the senior citizens of the Fifth District: I will advocate for you in Congress. I support reducing taxes on your Social Security benefits, so you can pay for necessities like heating bills. I support prohibiting the Congress from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund, so this important program will be financially stable. I oppose raising the retirement age for Social Security eligibility, so no senior will be forced to work when they should be enjoying well-earned rest and time with their family. I support funding and cost-reduction improvements to MEDICARE and the prescription drug coverage plan so your health will be protected. I support tax-free medical savings accounts so workers will have the security of insurance against major illness, the opportunity to save – tax free – for routine health expenses, and the freedom to take these accounts to new jobs. I support the safe re-importation of drugs from Canada, so you can get the medications you need. And you can also count on my vote to repeal the death tax and make your pensions secure.

On November 2nd, we can bring a new voice and a new energy to Congress from Maryland’s Fifth District. I will work with the people of Maryland and with my colleagues in Congress to improve the lives of senior citizens. Together, we can solve our current problems, and prevent two more years of policies that are harmful to our seniors. For what is ailing senior citizens in Maryland, November 2nd will provide an important chance for a cure.

Brad Jewitt is the Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in Maryland’s Fifth Congressional District. To learn more about the Jewitt for Congress campaign, please visit our website at www.jewitt2004.com, or call (301) 486-0089.


New Member

He has looked after southern maryland very well over the years. Why move here? Brad Jewitt should go back to Arlington, VA and run if he wants to be a republican congressman.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
God, give it a rest...Hoyer is gonna kick Jewitt's ass.
He may, but if God wills that Hoyer goes down the tubes, bye bye.

I am very surprised you come here. Do you enjoy being not liked? Masochism is a mental illness you know. I would think you would be far more at home at DU.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
He may, but if God wills that Hoyer goes down the tubes, bye bye.

I am very surprised you come here. Do you enjoy being not liked? Masochism is a mental illness you know. I would think you would be far more at home at DU.

He very well may if God wanted it that way; but I think if that were the case, Hoyer's poll numbers would be alot lower.

I come here because I do not wish to hear the echo of my voice and I do not post on the DU because they are nothing but radical Democrats that I honestly believe are the problem with my party; not the solution. I come here because I am from St. Mary's County and would like to speak on the issues so that some of you conservatives can think a little bit about the liberal perspective. I know that it upsets you when I come out hardcore against your position, and recently I have because it is close to election time, but it is something that you should hear.

It is my opinion on political discourse that we should all hear and respect each other's viewpoints. We should question our own views and think freely. This is an articulation of Liberal, genuinely American views and I think that all of us here should value that.


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
He may, but if God wills that Hoyer goes down the tubes, bye bye.

I am very surprised you come here. Do you enjoy being not liked? Masochism is a mental illness you know. I would think you would be far more at home at DU.
You aren't getting rraley mixed up with aimhigh and that pancake are you? rraley may have different opinions than most of us here but they are well thought out opinions and very well presented to an opposition crowd. I seriously doubt that aimhigh and pancake could be so stupid to actually believe half of what they write but they do enjoy giving pain to the Masochists on this board.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
It is my opinion on political discourse that we should all hear and respect each other's viewpoints. We should question our own views and think freely. This is an articulation of Liberal, genuinely American views and I think that all of us here should value that.
I differ with you on " Liberal, genuinely American views" and would remind you that conservative views are as genuinely American. The founders were radicals in their day but ultra conservative by the standards of today. I hope my standards, when held to the light, are closely aligned with the standards of the founders. I do not believe that either the Democrats or the Republicans can stand the test of comparison to the ideals and morals of the founders even though the founders certainly had their faults.

If you truly believe what you have expressed, I respect you as being a liberal in the true meaning of the word as opposed to the political meaning of the word. If that is truly the case, then I trust that your mind is open to having your thoughts changed if you expect to change ours. If you are not open to possible change in yourself by being here, then I think you are being quixotic.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I differ with you on " Liberal, genuinely American views" and would remind you that conservative views are as genuinely American.

Once again, notice the capital L in "Liberal." See my comment on that in another thread; "Liberal" and "liberal" are very different.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Once again, notice the capital L in "Liberal." See my comment on that in another thread; "Liberal" and "liberal" are very different.
I would suggest to you that the "Liberal" ideals are far from true American Republic ideals. We have a republic you know. The Liberal ideals are more closely socialist bordering on communist; government provided health care, college education, retirement, "entitlements" of all kinds, money and grants for science and the arts. None of the current or proposed entitlement programs have any constitutional authority under the United States Constitution. Every tax dollar collected and spent on these programs is illegally collected and spent. I really don't expect you to agree, but if you bother to read the Constitution you will find the the writers were very specific when talking about the powers and rights of the United States (federal or central government), the states, and the people. The word welfare is only used twice in the Constitution.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
In both instance it is used in reference to the United States referring to the central or federal government.

The word welfare carried the first meaning in Webster.
{quote]Main Entry: 1wel·fare
Pronunciation: 'wel-"far, -"fer
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from the phrase wel faren to fare well
1 : the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity
2 a : aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need b : an agency or program through which such aid is distributed[/quote]
The second meaning has only come into being since the creation of welfare programs.If you want to read all the thoughts and reasonings behind Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 go here http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/tocs/a1_8_1.html

You will find that the welfare of the United States had nothing to do with benevolence for the people. Benevolence was the word in common use when referring to charity during the writing.


New Member
2A, once again, you fail to understand the difference between American "Liberalism" and "liberalism." I am not trying to explain to you the thoughts of "liberalism," I am just stating the obvious: all Americans who believe in our system of governance and freedom adhere to "Liberal" ideas (that is the belief in voting for elected officials, belief in the free and open exchange of political ideas, and the right of all to provide their opinion). Read any government textbook and you will see this.

Now I genuinely disagree with how much of a strict constructionist you are when it comes to the Constitution, but that is for another debate.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
rraley may have different opinions than most of us here but they are well thought out opinions and very well presented to an opposition crowd.
And he's a 17 year old kid!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That should really shame Jlab and UrbanPancake, that a high school kid has more on the ball than they do.



New Member

I think some on here are confused with me, and for heaven's sake, don't lump me in with Pancake. True I am a dem, but pretty darn moderate. I'll give you all a glimpse on where I stand on some things. I believe we all have the right to bear arms and I am fully against anyone trying to limit that. Even in the slightest bit. I don't believe in government funded healthcare. I don't think the government should tell a business owner how to run his business, as long as it is legal. Education is important. I think we have put to many demands on teachers, and are too focused on these standardized tests. Let teachers teach, and parents shouldn't blame their childs ignorance on the teachers. Parents need to be involved. I support more cops on the street. I think the BOCC should boost the departments budget to hire more on. I am pro-choice, but personally I am against abortion. Except in the case of rape, incest, or where it will save the mothers life. If you are going to have sex, wrap it up. I don't believe abstinence programs work. Faith-based initiatives are good, so long as they include more education. I support the military, I believe in making sure they have everything they want. I disagree with the conflict in Iraq, but I am 100% for the fight to hunt down terrorists. The tax credits we got were a good thing. Nader should go back to being a consumer advocate. I am gay, but I am against gay marriage. I could settle for civil unions, but I am in no hurry. Taxes should not be raised to support social welfare programs. Affordable housing is good. If you can afford the house, buy it. If not, rent. And if you can't afford kids, don't have them. Capitalism is good. Money made by a company should go for the company. Guns don't kill people, people do. Gun manufacturers should not be held liable for someone. There should be a cap on malpractice.