Hoyer Statement on Inauguration


Staff member
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today regarding the Inauguration of President George W. Bush:

"The Inauguration of our President is a majestic moment for our entire nation and a demonstration of the power of democracy for all the world. None of us should take it for granted. And I hope all of us pause to consider the debt of gratitude that we owe to our forebears - many of whom sacrificed their lives so that we may enjoy the peaceful transfer of power - as well as the responsibility that we owe to the generations that will follow.

"I am pleased that I was able to invite more than 150 constituents from the 5th Congressional District to attend this historic ceremony to swear in the 43rd President including 40 students from Cornerstone Christian Academy in Bowie, Veterans, and the families of military servicemen and women.

"President Bush's Inaugural Address was a reaffirmation of our nation's steadfast commitment to the cause of freedom and democracy. We are a nation born through revolution, and history and our national character command us to aid the march of human liberty and dignity in every corner of the world.

"This unequivocal description of our national commitment to freedom and liberty by President Bush was inspiring. However, the hard realities and difficult work that confronts us will not be erased simply by a soaring statement of national purpose. The true test of national leadership begins where rhetoric alone fails to suffice.

"At home, President Bush also must demonstrate through action that he is willing to extend the hand of bipartisanship for more than mere tactical advantage. That is a challenge that he failed to meet in his first term, and I am hopeful that he will see the wisdom of embracing it in his second.

"The next four years hold out great promise and opportunity for our nation. I stand ready to work with the President to offer proposals that will benefit our entire country, and I will continue to fight to strengthen and improve our nation, our state and our community."


Admin said:
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today regarding the Inauguration of President George W. Bush:
"I am pleased that I was able to invite more than 150 constituents from the 5th Congressional District to attend this historic ceremony to swear in the 43rd President including 40 students from Cornerstone Christian Academy in Bowie, Veterans, and the families of military servicemen and women.
I guess my invite got lost in the mail :shrug:


Lovin' being Texican
Admin said:
WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) announced today that his panties were still in a twist. "I am proud to say today that on the auspicious occasion of the inauguration of our re-elected, nationally honored President that my panties are still in a twist." He went on to say that until the stoopid people of Southern Maryland wise up he intends to remain in a twist and "...they can just lump it!"

What a Pr!ck.


Lovin' being Texican
From one of our more astute readers in a note accompanying an anonymous red karma-gram
Hoyer Statement on Inau... 01-20-2005 06:12 PM Best member of Congress the 5th district has ever had....


Active Member
Lenny said:
From one of our more astute readers in a note accompanying an anonymous red karma-gram
he did do a lot to expand the base, which resulted in the growth of somd/st marys county ;\


The hamster litter reject
Lenny said:
From one of our more astute readers in a note accompanying an anonymous red karma-gram

I'm confused- I've always noticed the karma, but never really understood how it worked. Does this mean that the person who said that got bad karma for stating his opinion about Hoyer? I'm probably sounding like an idiot, but I'm just curious :smile: It also says something next to your name about karma points- how many points do you get if someone gives you good/bad karma? :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Spoiled said:
he did do a lot to expand the base, which resulted in the growth of somd/st marys county ;\
:bs: What did he ever do to help "expand the base"?


Lovin' being Texican

hamsterfang said:
I'm confused- I've always noticed the karma, but never really understood how it worked. Does this mean that the person who said that got bad karma for stating his opinion about Hoyer? I'm probably sounding like an idiot, but I'm just curious :smile: It also says something next to your name about karma points- how many points do you get if someone gives you good/bad karma? :confused:

A less welcoming forum would tell you to RTFM. Instead see http://forums.somd.com/faq.php?s=&do=search&q=karma&match=all&titlesonly=0 If this doesn't work, go to the SEARCH! function and ask for Karma.


Lovin' being Texican
Ken King said:
:bs: What did he ever do to help "expand the base"?

Convinced businesses, communities and employees of the local Naval bases that he could and would influence the fate of such bases for another.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
Convinced businesses, communities and employees of the local Naval bases that he could and would influence the fate of such bases for another.
Not if you check who has actually voted for him. If this district didn't include certain low-income depend on the government for handout types Hoyer would have been gone shortly after the redistricting that brought him to us. Also the employees of the major Naval Base in southern Maryland know why we survived previous BRAC rounds, it was the work we do and the way we get it done. All Hoyer is doing is patting himself on the back and taking credit for what it is we do for our Navy and nation, which will be why we survive this next round too.


I eat red meat

Hoyer is the icon of professional politics. Promise everything to anyone, blame everyone else for any failure without accepting any responsibility, do little to nothing to improve or protect our way of life, and count on the uninformed to keep re-electing him.
Last edited:


Lovin' being Texican
Animal said:
Hoyer is the icon of professional politics. Promise everything to anyone, blame everyone else for any failure without accepting any responsibility, do little to nothing to improve or protect our way of life, and count on the uniformed to keep re-electing him.

Sounds like the penultimate Democrat. I bet he's running for President!


Well-Known Member
Animal said:
Hoyer is the icon of professional politics. Promise everything to anyone, blame everyone else for any failure without accepting any responsibility, do little to nothing to improve or protect our way of life, and count on the uniformed to keep re-electing him.
The uninformed vote for him too. :peace:


I eat red meat
willie said:
The uninformed vote for him too. :peace:
Ooops, typo (I will fix that shortly). But that is what I meant and not that those in uniform are the ones to blame for this dung-heep's political success.


Lovin' being Texican
SamSpade said:
PEN-ultimate? Who would the *ultimate* one be?

Other than Shrillery, the most likely candidate for *ultimate* Democrat is this guy....


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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was just commenting on the word 'penultimate', which means "next to last". I have no idea how it fits in the context.


The hamster litter reject
Animal said:
Hoyer is the icon of professional politics. Promise everything to anyone, blame everyone else for any failure without accepting any responsibility, do little to nothing to improve or protect our way of life, and count on the uninformed to keep re-electing him.

Sounds like any succesful politican- republican or democrat :smile: