HS Football Player Facing 69 Counts of Indecent Exposure for exposing himself in team photo


Lawful neutral

Red Mountain (Mesa, Ariz.) senior linebacker Hunter Osborn, 19, faces 70 charges for exposing himself in a football team photo that appeared in a program sold to game attendees as well as the school yearbook, according to KPHO-TV.

Osborn exposed a portion of his privates above the waistband of his football pants, the report said. The exposure went unnoticed by authorities during the fall season and appeared in an estimated 3,400 editions of the yearbook before school officials learned of the photo’s graphic nature, according to the television news station.

As far as pranks go, this one went farther than anyone involved probably ever imagined.

After confessing to exposing himself on a dare and telling police he was “disgusted” by his own behavior, Osborn was charged with 69 counts of misdemeanor indecent exposure — one for each of the students present at the photo shoot — and one felony count of furnishing harmful items to minors, according to court documents obtained by KPHO-TV.


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