Humidity vs Hairdo



Egads! It's nasty-humid today! I just love it when you get your hair just right... then walk outside and the humidity makes ya look like the Blair Witch!

I bought some stuff from the hairdresser called S-Factor by Tigi which is supposed to keep the humidity from frizzin your hair, but so far, this stuff hasn't done squat. That, or it's just too unbearably humid for anything to work on my hair.

What do you gals use to tame the frizz on days like this? Does such a product exist? lol


New Member
Egads! It's nasty-humid today! I just love it when you get your hair just right... then walk outside and the humidity makes ya look like the Blair Witch!

I bought some stuff from the hairdresser called S-Factor by Tigi which is supposed to keep the humidity from frizzin your hair, but so far, this stuff hasn't done squat. That, or it's just too unbearably humid for anything to work on my hair.

What do you gals use to tame the frizz on days like this? Does such a product exist? lol

If you find out, please let me know! I took extra time to make my hair extra curly this morning and after the flooding rain at lunchtime and this humidity, I look like a haggard Diana Ross with the bush head!!!! I would have been better with a flat iron this a.m.!!!
Egads! It's nasty-humid today! I just love it when you get your hair just right... then walk outside and the humidity makes ya look like the Blair Witch!

I bought some stuff from the hairdresser called S-Factor by Tigi which is supposed to keep the humidity from frizzin your hair, but so far, this stuff hasn't done squat. That, or it's just too unbearably humid for anything to work on my hair.

What do you gals use to tame the frizz on days like this? Does such a product exist? lol

My hair doesn't frizz, it just curls more. :yay:


But wait, there's more...
I bought some stuff from the hairdresser called S-Factor by Tigi which is supposed to keep the humidity from frizzin your hair, but so far, this stuff hasn't done squat. That, or it's just too unbearably humid for anything to work on my hair.

No, it just sucks for humidity. I bought it too and what a waste of $20-some bucks. I use Tigi's Boy Toys when I straighten my hair, and it holds up pretty darn good to humidity; however, I don't use it on my bangs because it'll make 'em look slicker than an oil well. As a result, today my hair was fine except my bangs look like I'd just towel-dried 'em out of the shower. :ohwell:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I have really thin hair. The humidity helps. I looked like Don King this a.m. cause I had my window open.

Callie girl

New Member
I have really thin hair. The humidity helps. I looked like Don King this a.m. cause I had my window open.

I bought some stuff from Skape. I think it's made by redken and it is a mousse with moisture control. But I am out and hair is looking bad with the weather today. It works pretty well.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
I'm lucky in this, my hair is so very straight that even humidity dosen't faze it. The thing is, with hair this straight you can't do anything else with it. Since the 80s frizzy perms are out I've learned to embrace my boring straight hair. At least it has an interesting color being reddish-blonde, I passed that gene on to both my kids.


New Member
Bad Hair solved

I have naturally curly hair which I straighten a lot, to calm the frizz I use Sleek Look by Matrix, you can usually find it at Trade Secrets or any salon for about $14. It's kind of expensive but believe me, it's well worth it. When you use it though, only use a drop about the size of a dime, that's all you really need to calm the frizz plus it smells really good.
Hope it helps.


No, it just sucks for humidity. I bought it too and what a waste of $20-some bucks. I use Tigi's Boy Toys when I straighten my hair, and it holds up pretty darn good to humidity; however, I don't use it on my bangs because it'll make 'em look slicker than an oil well. As a result, today my hair was fine except my bangs look like I'd just towel-dried 'em out of the shower. :ohwell:

Yeah, I don't know what it is with those "Silk oils" and "non-frizz" serums n stuff... every time I use them it looks like I combed my hair with a pork chop. The recommended amount doesn't do squat.

Ahh.. doomed with bad hair. I suppose at 36, it's pointless to gripe about it.:ohwell:


I wanna be a SMIB
Egads! It's nasty-humid today! I just love it when you get your hair just right... then walk outside and the humidity makes ya look like the Blair Witch!

I bought some stuff from the hairdresser called S-Factor by Tigi which is supposed to keep the humidity from frizzin your hair, but so far, this stuff hasn't done squat. That, or it's just too unbearably humid for anything to work on my hair.

What do you gals use to tame the frizz on days like this? Does such a product exist? lol



Infinite Impetus
Humid = scrunch and use mousee
Dry/Cold= straighten

My hair is nat curly.. I use old school Vo5 serum in the tube when my style is dry and straight to keep the frizz down.

if anyones hair is nat curly or wavy, don't do bangs