Hunter Biden's deals 'served' China and its military


PREMO Member
Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China served the “strategic interests” of the country’s communist government and military — and may have imperiled American national security, claims a new documentary exclusively previewed by The Post.

“Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets” highlights several deals that Hunter Biden was involved in as a board member of the Beijing-based BHR Partners investment firm.

The film also alleges that Hunter was only able to get meetings with Chinese officials — and secure $1 billion in funding — “because of who his father was: vice president of the United States” and then-President Barack Obama’s “point person on US policy towards China.”



Well-Known Member
This should be a major story with someone ending up in jail.
But lets think of other major stories that should have ended up with someone in jail.
1. Doing the business of the country with a private server with no adequate security
2.Spilling classifed material on that private server.
3. Supplying ISIS with shoulder fired rockets.
4.Having an AG from another country fired because he was investigating Biden's son.

Hell: I could go on, but why? WHY?
The people who refuse to listen will be voting for Joe Biden in spite of his proven corruptibility, his Dementia,his past record of racism, his lackluster term as VP,his lackluster record of many years in the Senate.
These people are willing to turn this country over to a man and his hand picked slut because their political leaders tell them to.

Anyone who votes for Joe Biden is voting against the better welfare of this country.


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
On the plus side a president Biden would be removed from office from a unknown illness within 6 months, on the negative side Kamal Haireyass will be in office and her only qualification is she's partly colored. Now don't we all feel better? :mad: