

New Member
Just wondering, I know a boy who to me seems to have some hyper signs. Other than the usual can't sit still, listening, etc. that I have seen in research are there some other parents of hyper children that have seen some other signs. I see rapid breathing sometimes (and not when he's been very active either), fast eating, fast drinking. When he is put in time out for something he throws a screaming fit but no tears. Its almost like he can't help himself for some of the things he does or if theres a rule that he has been told time and time again its like its new every day. He also does a lot of growling and jumping like an animal (no biggie) but this will go on forever until he is hoarse or is told to calm down many times.
In researching I only get tidbits but would like to hear from experienced parents. He is 5.


professional daydreamer
robbie said:
Just wondering, I know a boy who to me seems to have some hyper signs. Other than the usual can't sit still, listening, etc. that I have seen in research are there some other parents of hyper children that have seen some other signs. I see rapid breathing sometimes (and not when he's been very active either), fast eating, fast drinking. When he is put in time out for something he throws a screaming fit but no tears. Its almost like he can't help himself for some of the things he does or if theres a rule that he has been told time and time again its like its new every day. He also does a lot of growling and jumping like an animal (no biggie) but this will go on forever until he is hoarse or is told to calm down many times.
In researching I only get tidbits but would like to hear from experienced parents. He is 5.

Is this your kid? Have food allergies been ruled out?


New Member
He is not mine, but I watch him some. Some other things he does is like interrupting, very loud, has a Hard time with playing games and taking turns, gets upset EVERY time he looses. I've also noticed when I do speak to him he will not look at me. I try to get down on his level and still he will not look. You really don't know if he is hearing what you're saying.
At the same time, he can be very lovable and hugging all the time.]
I don't think he's been tested and I hate to see him get into school FTand have problems


J.F. A sus ordenes!
robbie said:
He is not mine, but I watch him some. Some other things he does is like interrupting, very loud, has a Hard time with playing games and taking turns, gets upset EVERY time he looses. I've also noticed when I do speak to him he will not look at me. I try to get down on his level and still he will not look. You really don't know if he is hearing what you're saying.
At the same time, he can be very lovable and hugging all the time.]
I don't think he's been tested and I hate to see him get into school FTand have problems

have you spoken to the childs parents? Sounds like big issues.


New Member
robbie said:
He is not mine, but I watch him some. Some other things he does is like interrupting, very loud, has a Hard time with playing games and taking turns, gets upset EVERY time he looses. I've also noticed when I do speak to him he will not look at me. I try to get down on his level and still he will not look. You really don't know if he is hearing what you're saying.
At the same time, he can be very lovable and hugging all the time.]
I don't think he's been tested and I hate to see him get into school FTand have problems

Sounds like food allergies. Go to www.adddiet.com for more information. I have seen this diet work in these exact circumstances.


Yo Gabba Gabba
robbie said:
Just wondering, I know a boy who to me seems to have some hyper signs. Other than the usual can't sit still, listening, etc. that I have seen in research are there some other parents of hyper children that have seen some other signs. I see rapid breathing sometimes (and not when he's been very active either), fast eating, fast drinking. When he is put in time out for something he throws a screaming fit but no tears. Its almost like he can't help himself for some of the things he does or if theres a rule that he has been told time and time again its like its new every day. He also does a lot of growling and jumping like an animal (no biggie) but this will go on forever until he is hoarse or is told to calm down many times.
In researching I only get tidbits but would like to hear from experienced parents. He is 5.
I used to live with a child like this. It was diagnosed as an allergy to Red Dye in foods, as well as ADHD/CD. Once he stopped eating foods with an abudance of red dye, the behavior problems improved greatly. No hot dogs, red juices or kool aid, etc. The child was absolutely uncontrollable when he'd eat these things. Without them, I never had a problem with his behavior. Then again, his ADHD seems to improve a lot when he knows he'll get his ass beat for misbehaving.


I know nothing
Ehesef said:
I used to live with a child like this. It was diagnosed as an allergy to Red Dye in foods, as well as ADHD/CD. Once he stopped eating foods with an abudance of red dye, the behavior problems improved greatly. No hot dogs, red juices or kool aid, etc. The child was absolutely uncontrollable when he'd eat these things. Without them, I never had a problem with his behavior. Then again, his ADHD seems to improve a lot when he knows he'll get his ass beat for misbehaving.


New Member
I will never lay a hand on him but at the same time I don't know how much he's disciplined at home. I am going to broach the subject with the parents but a lot of the time they seem so hostile when you bring this up.
I just didn't know if some of the other symptoms sound familiar to other parents.


He sounds alot like my friends son and he has been diagnosed with Aspergers autism. I'm not sure if that is how you spell it. But for years we didn't know what was wrong with this baby. Now we know. Its better to bring up the subject with them then to keep it quiet. They need to do something for this child before he gets into school. Good Luck! :howdy: