I am an award winner


Well-Known Member
well, how about that! I am a four trophied award winner on this format. I'd like to thank the little people that made this happen. You're all beautiful. I can't possibly thank or remember all of you and I don't want to leave anyone out.. So, I'll accept this prestigious award, which I didn't deserve, ( I didn't deserve a torn meniscus either) and all away with this trophy!!!!...


PREMO Member
It's a major award!



Well-Known Member
well, easy come, easy go....a contributor noted that when I was in second or third grade, on the recess playground, a girl was jumping rope....her dress was flapping in the spring breeze...I muttered, "I see Paris, I see France..." you know the rest. Well, in light of this revelation from 1962-63, I must consider redacting my award...I am unfit, due to my indiscretion....


Well-Known Member
no, no, no...as I re-remembered the ditty I sang was "Lincoln, Lincoln, I've been thinking"... as she was jumping rope. Therefore, am retracting my redaction... (Thanks Gov. Northrup)