"I built a playoff caliber team..."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So sayeth the Vin.

Yeah, probably right, presuming;

The O line held up
The defense went from real good to absolutely dominant
The kiddie WR's figured out the plays and got in shape
London kept going and going and going

One out of four ain't good. I can even give credit for Thomas and Kelly because they, at least, aren't on IR, so, 2/4. However, the O line is crippled and the D is merely good and that is against the dregs of the league, pretty much, so far.

Jason is not good enough to carry a fragile offense. Few are. Even Manning(s) and Brady's and Brees and Roethlisburger can only do so much with 40% of the line blowed up, but, they can damn sure do more than Campbell with missing parts. This was and is no secret.

They tried to get a so so vet, Cutler, and a rookie, Sanchez, instead of Jason. That's playoff caliber?

Vinny really ought to come out and say, cowboy up, that his master plan very much depended on the O line holding up and that they figured the D would be sooo good it would make up for an O line injury or two. And he was wrong. And he ought to just fire Zorn today out of simple decency instead of constantly using him as a towel to wash his hands of the whole mess.


My Sweetest Boy


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