I can't believe I read this...


Asperger's Poster Child
I saw a letter in one of the local papers claiming that homosexuality is an "addiction" like alcoholism and gambling.

Now, I can't even stomach the thought of back-door intercourse with a woman. I'd had to wear 10 condoms, soak myself in industrial-strength Lysol, and shower in an autoclave. (Does that mean I have fecal phobia?)

But the letter-writer seemed to be saying that the back door is a temptation. Wouldn't that just encourage people, whether they're straight or gay, to try it? This just comes across like the old "Reefer Madness" movies that the goverment put out in the '30s, which are so preachy and clueless that they generate laughs today. Remember San Kinison, who shocked people by comparing his girlfriend's refusal of anal sex with the Garden of Eden story? "Well, I didn't want it until you told me I couldn't have it."


New Member
One thing I always wonder... where do non-sexual gay inclinations fit into these theories of addiction or sin or contagien? How can it be explained when one guy looks at another guy and feels attraction that has nothing to do with a booty call? Why can't a woman marry her monogamous life partner of 23 years when Britney Spears can get married as a joke? What makes Dubya think that a constitutional amendment "protecting" marriage wouldn't be invalidated by an opposing one in a few years, making his go the way of the 18th amendment? Why are we only a nation of Christians when we're being self-congratulatory or putting down something we're afraid of?

Argh to all of that.


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by Tonio
Wouldn't that just encourage people, whether they're straight or gay, to try it?

I guess it would depend on whether you're at the giving or receiving end. :shrug:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by dum_blonde
One thing I always wonder... where do non-sexual gay inclinations fit into these theories of addiction or sin or contagien? How can it be explained when one guy looks at another guy and feels attraction that has nothing to do with a booty call? Why can't a woman marry her monogamous life partner of 23 years when Britney Spears can get married as a joke? What makes Dubya think that a constitutional amendment "protecting" marriage wouldn't be invalidated by an opposing one in a few years, making his go the way of the 18th amendment? Why are we only a nation of Christians when we're being self-congratulatory or putting down something we're afraid of?

Argh to all of that.

Thanks. I'm straight and I've known it since I saw a red-haired girl named Colleen in my first-grade class. I believe orientations are as much romantic as they are sexual.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by dum_blonde


where do non-sexual gay inclinations fit into these theories of addiction or sin or contagien?


Why can't a woman marry her monogamous life partner of 23 years when Britney Spears can get married as a joke?

You're equating Brittany Spears with morality somehow? I thought she was making fun of marriage by degrading it.

What makes Dubya think that a constitutional amendment "protecting" marriage wouldn't be invalidated by an opposing one in a few years, making his go the way of the 18th amendment?

If a forest fire is raging out of control and all you can save are a few acres, why bother? Sometimes character is about doing the right thing regardless of the odds.

Why are we only a nation of Christians when we're being self-congratulatory or putting down something we're afraid of?

Not everyone is like that. Some folks do try to "walk the talk." They are usually labelled zealots or wierdos and are generally treated pretty badly on forums like this one. How to get the nation to follow Christ? One person at a time. Religion cannot be legislated because conversion at the point of a sword is no conversion at all.

Argh to all of that

Don't forget! Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19th!



Not dead yet.
Well then try some these lines on your lovely wife from the Talk Like A Pirate Day website! http://www.talklikeapirate.com/

Top Ten pirate pick up lines:

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …

1. Prepare to be boarded.


New Member
Originally posted by tlatchaw
where do non-sexual gay inclinations fit into these theories of addiction or sin or contagien?


By inclinations, I mean romantic interest. Sorry about the confusion.

Why can't a woman marry her monogamous life partner of 23 years when Britney Spears can get married as a joke?

You're equating Brittany Spears with morality somehow? I thought she was making fun of marriage by degrading it.

She is degrading marriage, but there's no way to change the law so that she can't degrade it without taking away the rights of the rest of the country. In that light, it seems discriminatory to ban gay marriage, because if it's based on morality, clearly straight people don't need it to get married. If it's based on religion, then there's a discrepancy... straight people don't have to be Judeo-Christian or Muslim to get married. Atheists get married without a bit of controversy. A good portion of the weddings today are just paying lip service to the religious aspect, in any case.

What makes Dubya think that a constitutional amendment "protecting" marriage wouldn't be invalidated by an opposing one in a few years, making his go the way of the 18th amendment?

If a forest fire is raging out of control and all you can save are a few acres, why bother? Sometimes character is about doing the right thing regardless of the odds.

Then you are assuming that progress is leading us in the wrong direction. I feel that it's the right thing to do to try and fight for the rights of homosexuals, but I guess there's not a definitive way to know which side is correct here. Argument deferred. *beep*

Why are we only a nation of Christians when we're being self-congratulatory or putting down something we're afraid of?

Not everyone is like that. Some folks do try to "walk the talk." They are usually labelled zealots or wierdos and are generally treated pretty badly on forums like this one. How to get the nation to follow Christ? One person at a time. Religion cannot be legislated because conversion at the point of a sword is no conversion at all.

Christians are treated poorly almost everywhere... I know very few other Christians here, which is what I get for going to a liberal urban college, I suppose. My biggest issue is that when I say I'm a Christian, people around me immediately think of the Christian Coalition, any of those family protection agencies, or some other conservative group that carries with it the negative connotation of elitism, prejudice, and ignorance. Am I doing this wrong? Is that what it means to be Christian?

Argh to all of that

Don't forget! Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19th!


Aye, matey. :cheers:


I might be able to see the letter writers point. Backdoor pleasures are taboo. It's human nature to want to do the things you aren't supposed to. jmho


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Kain99
I might be able to see the letter writers point. Backdoor pleasures are taboo. It's human nature to want to do the things you aren't supposed to. jmho

True. I just don't see how homosexuality can be pleasurable if you don't have homosexual impulses. I can never in a billion years imagine myself having romantic and sexual feelings for another man. Even if someone tried to force me to have gay sex at gunpoint, I still couldn't get aroused.


Not dead yet.
Aye, matey. :cheers: [/B]

Thanks for not getting defensive. It's nice to have a discussion about a sensitive topic on these boards without it getting all personal. :biggrin:

Re: Being Christian having right wing connotations. -- While the majority of Christian people in this country may be conservative, there is certainly no strict rule about it (as you are no doubt well aware). Remember always that though we have been instructed to stay away from sin, we are also to love the sinner. But that's enough because this isn't a religion thread!


Asperger's Poster Child
My biggest issue is that when I say I'm a Christian, people around me immediately think of the Christian Coalition, any of those family protection agencies, or some other conservative group that carries with it the negative connotation of elitism, prejudice, and ignorance. Am I doing this wrong? Is that what it means to be Christian?

You're not doing anything wrong. Those groups are like the extremists in any social movement--they crave attention, and they get it because of the extremism of their views. They poison the general public's view of the entire movement. Donald Wildmon is not a typical Christian, any more than Louis Farrakan is a typical civil-rights activist. They're fearmongers.

I have an uncle and aunt who became involved with Christian fundamentalism in the '80s. When they came to visit us, my uncle had the gall to tell his sister (my mother) that she wasn't raising us right because I and my brother listened to Judas Priest and Def Leppard. Never mind that we had never gotten in trouble with the law, had gotten good grades in high school, and were attending college.


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Tonio
Now, I can't even stomach the thought of back-door intercourse with a woman. I'd had to wear 10 condoms, soak myself in industrial-strength Lysol, and shower in an autoclave. (Does that mean I have fecal phobia?)
Are you a homophobe? :confused:


Originally posted by Tonio
True. I just don't see how homosexuality can be pleasurable if you don't have homosexual impulses. I can never in a billion years imagine myself having romantic and sexual feelings for another man. Even if someone tried to force me to have gay sex at gunpoint, I still couldn't get aroused.
That's the great thing about this country! You don't have to do anything that you don't wanna do. If fear of homosexuality is keeping you from enjoying all of the pleasures a woman has to offer you might be missing out. :wink:


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by mainman
Are you a homophobe? :confused:

No. If anything, I have a phobia about homophobes, not homosexuals. Many of the kids in middle school and high school thought I was gay, so I had a rough time of it.

(Looking back, I don't really feel sorry for myself. I feel bewilderment at why they would think I was gay. During those years, I went through two or three major crushes on girls who thought I was a jerk.)

Anyway, that's the reason I never wanted to be in the military. Not that the military is necessarily homophobic, but it's an all-male environment in the barracks. If a group of other guys thinks that you're gay, you just better start writing your will and praying to God.
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Re: Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by Tonio
No. If anything, I have a phobia about homophobes, not homosexuals. Many of the kids in middle school and high school thought I was gay, so I had a rough time of it. Looking back, I don't really feel sorry for myself. I feel bewilderment at why they would think I was gay. During those years, I went through two or three major crushes on girls who thought I was a jerk.
Oh Tonio... That is so sad. Kids can be so cruel! Try not to let your past effect your future. Sex is one of lifes greatest pleasures! Let go a little. You'll be happier.


PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by Tonio
No. If anything, I have a phobia about homophobes, not homosexuals. Many of the kids in middle school and high school thought I was gay, so I had a rough time of it.

(Looking back, I don't really feel sorry for myself. I feel bewilderment at why they would think I was gay. During those years, I went through two or three major crushes on girls who thought I was a jerk.)

Anyway, that's the reason I never wanted to be in the military. Not that the military is necessarily homophobic, but it's an all-male environment in the barracks. If a group of other guys thinks that you're gay, you just better start writing your will and praying to God.
Do you talk with a lisp?


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by Kain99
Oh Tonio... That is so sad. Kids can be so cruel! Try not to let your past effect your future. Sex is one of lifes greatest pleasures! Let go a little. You'll be happier.

Good thought.

As I said, it has nothing to do with back-door sex, which I see as nothing more than a sanitary issue.

Part of my point is that most males in America are taught to be homophobes by their parents or their peers. Remember the movie Heathers? "This is Ohio--if you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress."


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by DoWhat
Do you talk with a lisp?

:lmao: Now I'm imagining Don and Mike reading USA Today columnist Craig Wilson's column on the air.

Seriously, I think it was because most people assumed I was an intellectual type, because I wore glasses and read a lot.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I can't believe I read this...

Originally posted by Tonio
Good thought.

As I said, it has nothing to do with back-door sex, which I see as nothing more than a sanitary issue.
If ya get right down to it, sex itself is quite unsanitary. After all, the snack bar is awfully close to the $hiat house. :roflmao: