I deliberately catfished men with a fake dating profile to prove how shallow they are


PREMO Member
“I am reverse cat fishing men on Hinge,” she explained.

“The pictures on my profile are of me however the personality is not mine.

“I am a nihilistic existentialist but the girl in the profile is a super cool, super chill, doesn’t take herself too seriously kind of girl.”

While the profile she set up is “massively ironic,” Tasha added that “most men are stupid and are unable to detect the irony that is quite obvious”.

In fact, the fake profile has attracted so much attention from men on the app that every day she wakes up to “hundreds of matches.”

“I’ve been on dating apps for eight years as myself — nobody has ever responded to me like this,” she sighed.

“No-one gives a s**t about what I have to say. This dumb dumb character that I’ve created — they want to go out with her.

“I know we all joke when we say men just want a stupid girl who will follow them around but apparently so.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So, nihilistic existentialism isnt a huge draw for guys? Whooda thunk. Guess what, lady, if you were a guy into that, you might have the same success.

For real. She should consider batting for the other team - chicks like the one she made up would be all over her.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Romance scammers prove everyday that there is 'stupidity' in both sexes when it comes to dating. I'm sure that cute, half dressed gal, half your age, really wants to date you. Just like the younger, square jawed man wants to take you away and make you his princess and live on his yacht.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Romance scammers prove everyday that there is 'stupidity' in both sexes when it comes to dating. I'm sure that cute, half dressed gal, half your age, really wants to date you. Just like the younger, square jawed man wants to take you away and make you his princess and live on his yacht.

That's why I went with a Mail Order Ukrainian Bride.

I do, however, regret not paying for rush shipping.

nobody really

I need a nap
who the hell has that kind of time? i have more fun and meet more people like me at social events and meet ups. who the eff has time to f×ck with people


While the profile she set up is “massively ironic,” Tasha added that “most men are stupid and are unable to detect the irony that is quite obvious”.


A vagina is not an irony detector, and I can say - with a gargantuan surplus of certainty - that the non-detection of irony is not gender-specific.

Nor is stupidity.