I didn't know trucks were male


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
THAT is offensive. That's really what I want to do - explain to my 12 year old what that is hanging from some truck bumper and why some retard would want to put it there in the first place.

And, Tonio - I'll bet you $10 that it wasn't a woman who thought that up. :cool:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
THAT is offensive. That's really what I want to do - explain to my 12 year old what that is hanging from some truck bumper and why some retard would want to put it there in the first place.

When I first saw these, my kids weren't in the car. My first thought was about the pathetic male ego. But that's an excellent point.

And, Tonio - I'll bet you $10 that it wasn't a woman who thought that up. :cool:

You're right--a woman might have thought up a nut sack in a vise. (Just joking.) Hey, maybe that's the way Rob Halford and Robert Plant reach those high notes!


Originally posted by Tonio
Anyone seen these fake nut sacks hanging off the tow hitches of trucks?


Yup. Been out for quite some time now. At least a couple years that I know of. But I would never ornament my truck with em. They're funny for about 10 minutes...kinda like poopy jokes....


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: I didn't know trucks were male

Originally posted by dustin
But I would never ornament my truck with em. They're funny for about 10 minutes...kinda like poopy jokes....

THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm glad someone brought that up. It's the kind of mature, urbane humor that Beavis and Butthead would find funny. I find it funnier that some guys think this is a cool thing to have on their trucks.


It had to be a real moron to think that one up. The real killer is he'll probably make money off it. Dumb.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member