I do not see this marriage lasting too long


Active Member
Stacey Tavor Merwin: Why I'm Making My Husband Miss The Super Bowl (Sort Of)

On Sunday, as fans of football and fans of commercials gather round the TV, my husband will be sitting with me at a devastatingly romantic restaurant. Our reservation is at 8pm, smack-dab in the middle of the game, and admittedly, this was not his first choice of plans. But before you judge me as a demanding, insensitive wife, I should explain: It's our anniversary. Our first anniversary.

We knew last year this would be an issue. When we were deciding on wedding date, I suggested February 5 because it wasn't going to be a busy traveling weekend and we both agreed that we wanted a winter wedding. (It would be in Houston, and a sweaty bride in a white dress taking pictures outdoors was not an option.) My husband's immediate response to this date: "But wait, Babe, the next day is the Super Bowl. We need to think about this." Josh has been a freelance photographer for Sports Illustrated and ESPN the Magazine and has actually been on the field for a Super Bowl, so I understood that this was a big deal for him. And yet I wasn't going to let a football game -- even the football game -- get in the way.

Regardless of it being their first anniversary she insisting it has to be celebrated during the game shows her to be controlling with no regard for his feelings or wants. She has no excuse to me as there are countless compromises they could have come to, a nice lunch, dinner on Saturday night, or even ordering something in and making a romantic dinner in front of the game. I honestly do not see this marriage lasting long so I guess she might as well enjoy the first.


Having Fun!
You've already covered controlling and mean so let me add...

  • selfish
  • insensitive
  • manipulative
  • self-serving
and all of them in front of "beyotch".

The man is more than just a fan -- it's his job!

Nope, not gonna last long at all... he'll wake up eventually...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You've already covered controlling and mean so let me add...

  • selfish
  • insensitive
  • manipulative
  • self-serving
and all of them in front of "beyotch".

And basic all around #######.

She should have thrown an anniversary/SuperBowl party and saved the romantic dinner for another night. Not to mention he apparently didn't even get a say in the wedding date. AND she specifically picked the day before SuperBowl and wouldn't budge on it.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Regardless of it being their first anniversary she insisting it has to be celebrated during the game shows her to be controlling with no regard for his feelings or wants. She has no excuse to me as there are countless compromises they could have come to, a nice lunch, dinner on Saturday night, or even ordering something in and making a romantic dinner in front of the game. I honestly do not see this marriage lasting long so I guess she might as well enjoy the first.

What's the big deal? For one thing, the game won't be on their anniversary every year. Two, he knew what time of year it was and agreed knowing it would conflict with the week every year; must be OK with work. Three, unless it is hurting his career it is JUST a football game. I mean, unless HIS team is in the game, which she says she agreed to relent if they made it, then, again, non issue.

Further, if you work sports, it's like being a porn star or a baker or chef; your profession, man, a day off work is a day off work.

On top of all that, the vast majority of us don't care about the game anyway if our team isn't in it. We all go to parties where it is all but impossible to actually enjoy the game; it's a social event. The only people who it actually matters to are kooks like me who find any excuse to be home, alone if necessary, chili dogs, beer and 5 gallons of salsa at the ready and I sure as hell would have never agreed to marriage that time of year. :lol:

In any event, I get your point but, really, if the game is more important to him, THAT is why the marriage won't last; not that she wants their first anniversary to be the only thing that matters this time.



Well-Known Member
See no problem,

after all, football season ended in early January when 'Bama beat LSU. This other crap is merely overpriced entertainment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In any event, I get your point but, really, if the game is more important to him, THAT is why the marriage won't last; not that she wants their first anniversary to be the only thing that matters this time.

...says the guy who blew off his wife's birthday so he could go to a Redskins game... :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...says the guy who blew off his wife's birthday so he could go to a Redskins game... :yay:

I don't recall you 'insisting' and it wasn't for me. It was for Doug. And it wasn't something dumb like the Redskins. It Middletown vs. Urbana for the right to go to state finals. And it was cold. And we lost.



Active Member
What's the big deal? For one thing, the game won't be on their anniversary every year. Two, he knew what time of year it was and agreed knowing it would conflict with the week every year; must be OK with work. Three, unless it is hurting his career it is JUST a football game. I mean, unless HIS team is in the game, which she says she agreed to relent if they made it, then, again, non issue.

Further, if you work sports, it's like being a porn star or a baker or chef; your profession, man, a day off work is a day off work.

On top of all that, the vast majority of us don't care about the game anyway if our team isn't in it. We all go to parties where it is all but impossible to actually enjoy the game; it's a social event. The only people who it actually matters to are kooks like me who find any excuse to be home, alone if necessary, chili dogs, beer and 5 gallons of salsa at the ready and I sure as hell would have never agreed to marriage that time of year. :lol:

In any event, I get your point but, really, if the game is more important to him, THAT is why the marriage won't last; not that she wants their first anniversary to be the only thing that matters this time.

It is not just the game...it goes beyond that. She disregarded his input on the wedding date then did it again on the anniversary. It just sets a precidence of 'her way or the highway'. It shows a pattern of selfishness.


In My Opinion
Stacey Tavor Merwin: Why I'm Making My Husband Miss The Super Bowl (Sort Of)

Regardless of it being their first anniversary she insisting it has to be celebrated during the game shows her to be controlling with no regard for his feelings or wants. She has no excuse to me as there are countless compromises they could have come to, a nice lunch, dinner on Saturday night, or even ordering something in and making a romantic dinner in front of the game. I honestly do not see this marriage lasting long so I guess she might as well enjoy the first.
I don't know, I see it the other way around too.
If he thought that the super bowl weekend would be a problem, his time to argue the point would have been when they were setting a date.
Now, I think he just needs to do what needs to be done and pay attention to his wife on their anniversary,
Or, did he go into the marriage with plans to not celebrate with her.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Stacey Tavor Merwin: Why I'm Making My Husband Miss The Super Bowl (Sort Of)

Regardless of it being their first anniversary she insisting it has to be celebrated during the game shows her to be controlling with no regard for his feelings or wants. She has no excuse to me as there are countless compromises they could have come to, a nice lunch, dinner on Saturday night, or even ordering something in and making a romantic dinner in front of the game. I honestly do not see this marriage lasting long so I guess she might as well enjoy the first.
Kind of depends on how much of a throw rug the guy is, if he has any balls it'll be over soon.


Active Member
I don't know, I see it the other way around too.
If he thought that the super bowl weekend would be a problem, his time to argue the point would have been when they were setting a date.
Now, I think he just needs to do what needs to be done and pay attention to his wife on their anniversary,
Or, did he go into the marriage with plans to not celebrate with her.

Sounds like he tried to:
We knew last year this would be an issue. When we were deciding on wedding date, I suggested February 5 because it wasn't going to be a busy traveling weekend and we both agreed that we wanted a winter wedding. (It would be in Houston, and a sweaty bride in a white dress taking pictures outdoors was not an option.) My husband's immediate response to this date: "But wait, Babe, the next day is the Super Bowl. We need to think about this." Josh has been a freelance photographer for Sports Illustrated and ESPN the Magazine and has actually been on the field for a Super Bowl, so I understood that this was a big deal for him. And yet I wasn't going to let a football game -- even the football game -- get in the way

Of course the issue that apparently he knew what he was marrying comes up. I for one certainly knew exactly what I was marrying--a total sports FANATIC.
We got married right outside NYC (where my hubby grew up) and he and my BIL (the best man) were almost late to the wedding because the NY Mets pitcher was pitching a no hitter. The only reason they were on time was because the guy gave up a hit. My reaction---> 'whatever' :duh:


Well-Known Member
How is she still ALIVE??? You put 12 men(even FASHION DESIGNERS) on that jury and they're in there long enough to get the free lunch before coming back with an acquittal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Interesting that the only person taking up for this woman is...a guy. And a football fan guy, at that. We women learn at our mother's knee that some things are sacred and not open to our power plays and manipulation tactics. SuperBowl is one of them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I don't know, I see it the other way around too.
If he thought that the super bowl weekend would be a problem, his time to argue the point would have been when they were setting a date.

'Zachery. He either checked his nuts at the alter or is simply honoring his commitment and agreement to her. BFD.

Sorry to let the cat out of the bag, fellas, but, ladies, the Superbowl isn't all that big a deal unless it's your guys team. Hell, ask your SO in July who was in the game, let alone who won and, if it wasn't his team in it, it will take him a second or three.

And, she agreed to give him a pass if his Texans made the show. :shrug:

If it ain't my team or some special reason, I can think of a few things that mean a hell of a lot more to me than a freaking football game.
