I don't even like soccer...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...yet here I am, sucked into another premier league Saturday AM game, Arsenal v. Tottingham...

...and now I want a beer!




New Member
The games are easy to watch, if they are two strong teams. Problem is, there are too many teams, many of which are not that good, and too many of THOSE games are televised.

I'm having an absolute ball coaching my under 15 teams. VERY challenging, ALOT of talent at this age and I've seen some REALLY good soccer in the last few weeks.

I'm coaching 3 teams this year, 9-10's, 11-12's and 13,14 and 15's. I'm exhausted, the houses are a mess, the kids miss me but seem to be handling it well and I think it's just what the doctor ordered. I'm loving it.

We have a new stadium going up in Chester, PA to spport a new Philadelphia pro soccer team. I can't WAIT!