I don't think the P-8A is a jumbo jet


Power with Control
I think that range is 1200 out to on station, 3-4 hours there, then return to base. Does that sound better?


Soul Probe
P-8 = job security.

Goodbye Orion, hello Poseidon.


  • 800px-P_8_and_P_3_over_Pax_River.jpg
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Yea, not exactly, the bottom one is the size of the P-8 if you didn't know.


  • boeing-747-jumbo-jet-1024x657.jpg
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Power with Control
I had to ask, they are the most vociferous haters of it. Well, them and Lockheed employees :)


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You are or you're.

I always wanted to do that.

Stop by the house this weekend.

Whatever they call it, that will be the platform my officer son flies on after he finishes his new assignment at ONI. If he decides to, or if the current admin will let him decide at all.

Lock and load, former America.


Routinely Derailed
And you base this opinion on?

Lots of people have been working real hard for a long time to make this work.

Yes, lots of us have been polishing that turd since the late 90's, when politics (not the technical analyses) drove the decision to use the 737. I'm not currently working the program, which is a good thing, because it seemed insane to continue trying to make that square peg fit into the round hole without leaving glaring gaps. That initial bad decision opened the door for a whole host of more bad decisions. The turd is very shiny now, and we will make it be all it can be, but it will still be less than what's needed. We picked a very bad time to reduce our capabilities. No one currently working on the program is responsible for the inherent characteristics which everyone must try and overcome, but they are responsible for making a 2-engine medium-speed medium-altitude aircraft do the job of a four-engine low-speed low-altitude patrol aircraft (which was based on an airliner that was inherently more suited for the task).

Add to that the many, many problems (which I deleted from this post) associated with working with this particular prime contractor. It's almost miraculous that things are going as well as they are.
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Not White House Approved
And you base this opinion on?

Lots of people have been working real hard for a long time to make this work.
Because pooping out sonobuoy's at 15 thousand feet in the hopes that they will land where you want them is an effective way to hunt for subs.

And we won't talk about dropping mines and torps from that altitude.

Yes sir, you are going to find a lot of small surface vessels and subs flying up there with all the other airliners.:coffee:


I would have thought a variant of a C-130 could have made a lot of sense from a logistics point of view, which is what makes the base model of a 737 sound attractive. The Navy and Marines already had tons of C-130 infrastructure set up.